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A brief word about Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

In the comments section, the day before yesterday I spoke of the need to ban all kinds of dances in vogue in the Gomorrah world, even if they are heterosexual Gomorrahites: dances that involve such degenerate music that they make one want to flee the West as much as Lot fled from Gomorrah.

To understand a contemporary Lot it is necessary to be musically educated from early childhood. Since I was a very small child my father, a composer, put on the record player so I could listen to works by Mussorgsky and Stravinsky. So Russian orchestral music was my first love. Already at the age of six, I went with my mother to see Sleeping Beauty on the big screen, whose musical score, in which Walt Disney used Tchaikovsky, is magnificent. Thus I would like to say a few words about this composer.

What is most striking is that in 1854 his mother died during a cholera epidemic: a brutal blow when Tchaikovsky was fourteen years old. Almost forty years later, it is rumoured, Tchaikovsky drank water during another cholera epidemic without boiling it, knowing it was forbidden. How he was treated as a child we will not know, although I would like to know if any biographies speak of what his early years at home were like. All I know is that, according to a booklet by Javier Alfaya, Tchaikovsky ‘always kept open the wounds of his childhood and adolescence’. The fact that his brother Modest also became a homosexual makes me suspect some toxic atmosphere in the family dynamics of his childhood and adolescence.

But the current era that inverts values to the extent of glorifying Gomorrah, when speaking of Tchaikovsky omits extremely important data, such as the fact that in 1867 he fell in love with a woman, the singer Désirée Artôt, whom he wanted to marry. This fact belies the fashion of calling Tchaikovsky ‘homosexual’ in this era of glorification of inverts. Considering this simple fact he was bisexual.

True, Tchaikovsky didn’t understand the music of Wagner, who was my favourite composer even when I was an anti-Nazi normie. But he loved Italy and especially Florence, which I have visited. I like that Tchaikovsky rejected Brahms’ music: ‘His music doesn´t burn with the fire of genuine feeling, it lacks poetry’ and is ‘just empty space’. And I am also pleased that he despaired of Beethoven’s quartets (well into the 1970s I made an enormous effort to understand them but even now I find them very depressing). Of Bach, Tchaikovsky simply said that he was interested in him but didn’t consider him a great genius; once again, just what I feel.

I don’t want to say much in a very brief note except to add that my favourites of Tchaikovsky’s are the Nutcracker Suite, the Fourth Symphony and the first movement of his Piano Concerto No. 1.

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