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Revilo Oliver

Primary cause

by Gaedhal

I seem to be one of a few who pay attention to ‘real Christianity’, and what is abroad in this declining movement.

Thus, the Riemenschneider[1] vs. Joel Webbon situation has probably not been analysed from a Team-White perspective.

Generation Zyklon is mostly ‘none’, and so now, on the White Side, we can criticise Christianity as the Jewish psyop it always was to our heart’s content. Revilo P. Oliver and William Luther Pierce, privately, came to the conclusion that Christianity was antiwhite, but, at least initially, they were extremely reticent in attacking it. Oliver released a pamphlet, under a pseudonym, in which he said that not only was Christianity anti-white, it was the primary cause of the white demographic eclipse that we are currently enduring.

In this video, James White says that you should love black believers more than white non believers. Indeed, if your daughter rejects Jesus, James White tells you to hate her. The Jewish Messiah came to sow division amongst gentiles:

Do you think I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division (Luke 12:51).

Also, you should hate her.

If any one comes to me without hating his father* and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple (* NRSV CE).

Christianity is Jewish psychological terrorism against whites. Cesar and Kyle Hunt understand this, and their respective websites, West’s Darkest Hour and Renegade Tribune, understand this.

James White quotes these two vile verses. White is a true believer in Christianity. Speaking of White’s version of Christianity, Foote, the leader of the secular society said:

‘a hateful creed in its true colours’.

By this, he meant that Christianity is a hateful creed of threats and empty promises, and that White’s version of Calvinist Extremism is in all likelihood, the truest expression of Christianity. This is not to say that Christians ought to be hated. I do not say this at all. Christians have a persecution complex, and hating them only plays into this. As I said before: the best response to Christianity is to politely ignore it. In a recent pieville slice, Linder said that Christianity should be banned in the white ethnostate. I disagree with this. However, I absolutely do agree with him that any antiwhite preaching by Christian ministers should be a death sentence.

Christianity is dying of itself as the KJV puts it. We should just leave it alone and allow it to die a natural death. I think that this was Saint Adolf Hitler’s attitude in his table talks. Hitler could be quite liberal—in the true sense of this word, i.e. tolerant and generous to opinions that were not cynically subversive—when he wanted to be. Liberalis in Latin means: ‘free’ or ‘generous’, and Hitler was an admirer of the true liberality of the Classical world. This, of course was replaced by the Inquisitions, witch-hunts and book-burnings of the Christian Dark Age.

A funny thing is happening in Calvinist Extremism. A lot of the younger Calvinist Extremists are experiencing a racial awakening; are discovering what they naively call ‘the Jewish Question’—when, in reality, it is the Jewish Problem—and they are beginning to question World War 2 Allied Propaganda. They are beginning to reject the Post War Consensus. Hey, maybe that the Jews and the communists won the greatest war ever fought might not be a good thing. As Cesar might put it: they are beginning to dip their toes in the Rubicon… And then Boomer Christians like Doug Wilson and James White come in to attempt to gatekeep, and to attempt to corral these men back onto the Con-servative reservation. Christianity—just as with Sicut Judaeis Non—is a gatekeeping operation. When the Jews get into trouble, they ring up the Christians so as to gatekeep, and to provide controlled opposition, and to propose non solutions such as throwing Holy Water over them or exiling them… so that their luckless descendants will again fall prey to them in a century, or so.

With this ‘Antioch Declaration’, we see that Christianity is still working as it was set up to; as it was intended to. Christianity is both a control grid for the Jews, and it is also a buffer zone between Jews and whites.

As Urban Jungle Girl put it: boomers such as James White must take their vile anti-white creed with them when they die.


[1] Riemenschneider is German for: ‘strap cutter’ i.e. a maker of leather straps. German surnames are an excellent way to build up vocabulary in the language of the Fatherland.


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Editor’s note:

Oliver released a pamphlet, under a pseudonym, in which he said that not only was Christianity anti-white, it was the primary cause of the white demographic eclipse that we are currently enduring.

In six instalments I’ll post it the following days.

5 replies on “Primary cause”

In this video, straight from Doug Wilson’s mouth, he essentially calls National Socialism a defilement that should be burnt, and quotes from his Jewish cult manual, the New Testament, in so doing. He admits that Calvinists, through History, have been soft on the Jews. In this he is correct. It was the Calvinist Oliver Cromwell who let the Jews back into England. This controversy is interesting, because it illustrates that Christianity is a deception. It is false opposition to the Jews and it is designed to keep young white men on the con-servative reservation.

Exactly. When not long ago KevinMac gave a lot of space to a Christian apologist who published a book claiming that Christianity was Jew-wise, I immediately jumped up and said that it was false opposition to the Jews insofar as what really counts is that after Roman emperor Theodosius II the only religions allowed in the empire were Christianity and Judaism. (And the previous Aryan religion…? God forbid!)

Pastor Riemenschneider’s first name is Tobias. ‘Tobias’ is Hebrew for: ‘Yah[weh] is my good’: ‘טוֹבִי יָה‚.

Revilo P. Oliver said that imposing Jewish names on Aryan children is a ‘pernicious practice’. Tobias is a Jewish slave name that no self-respecting German would bear. If I had a Hebrew name—thankfully, I don’t—I would change it.

My older brothers have Visigoth names and my younger half-brothers even being mulattoes, but my mother could give me 2 names from the tanaj because before I was born she converted to the Jehovah’s Witnesses, that sect was founded by a Jew named Charles Taze Russell it is very clear how the Judeo-Christian Judeo-Muslim world has diminished our people.

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