Yesterday I spent most of the day watching videos interviewing Ed Calderón. In the intellectual bubble in which I find myself (I live in a large house overlooking a garden), I have tended to despise everything about the country outside my bubble insofar as it is not an Aryan country. But recently a person very close to me had a problem with one of the drug cartels.
I thought they hadn’t yet arrived in the Mexican capital to try to extort money from civilians, but the anecdote disabused me and made me do some research. This long interview with Ed Calderón, a former Mexican police officer who speaks perfect English, portrays the situation magnificently.
Incredible as it may seem, it is less risky for someone like me to live in a cartel country than in Europe, if we remember what happened earlier this year with two commenters on this site who were jailed in the UK basically for thoughtcrime (just as others who more recently posted racist comments on Facebook were jailed even though their protest at the murder of English girls was legitimate).
So, for the moment, I am safer in the country of the drug cartels, which are already beginning to exert their influence in the great Mexican capital, than in cuck island!
6 replies on “Cartels”
This thirteen-minute clip of Joe Rogan interviewing a British journalist who speaks Spanish and lived in Mexico to understand the drug cartels gives an idea of the barbarity in the country I live in. ISIS learned from them! And yet, it is preferable to Europe in terms of freedom of expression (as long as the cartels don’t reach the corner of my street).
You say your version from what is in mexico but it is thanks to catholicism in mexico that has some sw freedom and in argentina a friend of mine had his house raided by the jewish lobbies and the police for belonging to atomwaffen and his family was involved in that so I guess he would stop wasting his time in gangs in the southern cone although less full of non whites there is a good amount of whites and castizos. I say this based on latin america Costa Rica, Cuba, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, which is where there are more whites the states have a greater repression towards our people and the jewish lobby has a presence of which you can not imagine in any case it would be in non-white countries like mexico and all asia for example japan one can speak with more freedom. In my country Panama although it is not a white country it is a hell full of judeonegroids and afrosemites it is worse than Costa Rica.
In the historical context, Catholicism has nothing to do with freedom of expression (cf. the Spanish intolerance towards any non-papist form of Christian worship when the Spanish and Portuguese ruled their colonies). What it has to do with, as the late Gonzalo Lira clearly saw, is that poor countries cannot control their population as easily as rich ones do. But that doesn’t mean that Spanish-speaking people believe in freedom of expression. See what they did to Pedro Varela the day before yesterday in Spain, as my today’s post shows (Spain is richer than a specific Latin American country).
The Pedro Varela Geiss thing doesn’t steal my calm at the end of the day. Among the ex-members of CEDADE there is less camaraderie than friendship. They don’t have any kind of fellowship among themselves. The sad reality is that in Devenir Europeo are very Catholic Christian people. So yes no way that what you say is all true.
I don’t care that he’s Catholic. What this is all about is denouncing the Spaniards who have just imprisoned him.
This might not be the appropriate it, but last Wednesday was Dr. William Luther Pierce birthday, the smartes man ever produced in this country, and perhaps the whole continent.