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Free speech / association Gaedhal (commenter)

Free speech

by Gaedhal

Thank Yahweh, that instead of a Gestapo, we have a Stasi/s.[1]

Unless protest and speech have within it the potential to provoke violence, at least in the abstract, then one does not possess the freedom of speech. Indeed, this is American Jurisprudence… at least for the time being. This is why Alex Linder was not sent to prison for his praise of Hero Bowers. Sancte Bowers, ora pro nobis. So, in the United Kingdom, one does not possess either the freedom of effective speech, or the freedom of effective protest. Despite the lofty baroque refrains of Rule Britannia, Britons are, thanks to their defeating themselves in World War 2, slaves.

If Hitler had won, we would not be free… however, we would be free-er. Regardless of the political system, absolute liberty is a delusion. We would be free of negro subhumans from Rwanda stabbing our little girls to death, for one thing. We must constantly remind people of that alternative universe in which the good guys—as opposed to the Jews, Christians and Communists, i.e. the Allies—won World War 2.

One can be deeply critical of National Socialism, as Linder and I are, and still maintain that ’twere[2] better if the axis had won World War 2. I take Tom Metzger’s position. I would have been sent to Dachau, a camp for political dissidents, for being more based than the Nazis.

Is é an tSláinte an Buaidh!
Victoria Salus!

Victory is Salvation!


[1] Stasi – Communist East German Secret police. (Also ‘/s’ is an internetism that means: the preceding was sarcasm.)

[2] twere – An old-fashioned form of: ‘it were’, an English subjunctive. It were better means: ‘it would have been better’.

6 replies on “Free speech”

Irish grammar is very difficult, which is why so many of us Irish people cannot speak it fluently, including myself.

Could you put a small ‘t’ in front of ‘Sláinte’, i.e. ‘Is é an tSláinte an Buaidh!’ I am trying to render: ‘Sieg Heil’ in Irish Gaelic.

Interesting thoughts on free speech. As a long time reader of TWDH I would like to share my thoughts on freedom inspired by the reading of this article. I have come to the conclusion that to believe in absolute freedom here, in the physical realm of Nature is totally unrealistic. Even the Germanic tribes before converting to Christianity did not have it. There are always mores and customs to be obeyed in order for a people to remain united as a cohesive whole and maintain their identity. This modern idea of freedom, which was an ideal of the French Revolution is something that has paved the way for the Ultra Woke Globo Homo nonsense that is prevalent just about everywhere in the Western world today. It is only a word that is used to brainwash the masses. A good example is the Anglo-Saxon world (Great Britain and USA) as they used this word “freedom” to have their troops believe they where fighting for “freedom” as they destroyed not just the Third Reich but their numerous nonGerman allies as well. My two cents.

In the 1960’s radical boomers (LOL) had street protests against profanity laws where they would chant Fu… Ar…. Ku… Di…. Etc

These protests were merely cosmetic, and amusing for the young radicals.
The concept of free speech means nothing if you cannot speak the truth or say what needs to be said, regardless of what others feel about what you say. This was Voltaire’s argument.

“Freedom” was a word the booklet Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion suggested should be banned, as it could be used against the control they wanted to establish.

There is a book by Kerry Bolton titled THE PERVERSION OF NORMALITY that goes into detail how the Frankfurt School used the tools of their trade to convince the masses that they are not internally free. Their supposed primary focus was to help an individual in modern society attain absolute personal freedom from,in their view the repressive traditional nuclear family. Not to veer off topic too much but from my reading of History the National Socialists major objectives were the recuperation of German lands taken from Germany in World War 1 and the defeat of the Soviet Union. How would this have an impact on freedom in Ireland directly aside from the fact that Great Britain would not be a superior power to Germany any longer I can only speculate. Allied propaganda presents the Third Reich as having plans to conquer Europe. Methinks that was not the case .To conquer Europe was the plan of the Soviet Union. British troops were spared at Dunkirk and any invasion of countries to the north of Germany was only to counter Soviet troops invading. If I am not mistaken, Eamon de Valera was at least one Irishman who favored Hitler.

Makes me wonder, why was England ok to leave the soviet union as a super power but not Germany?

My only guess is that they truly didn’t fear the soviet union as much as they fear the potential of Germany to destroy the judaic plutocratic order they themselves have established.

For the peasant Briton, a German victory would have meant a life of prosperity where they and their children would have been able to afford cheap high quality German cars and proper housing, let alone the fact that they would have remained free from racial threat coming from negroes and orientals.

With a German victory, all the white women that have been murdered in Britain by non whites (and mentally sick whites) would be alive today and with plenty of Aryan children.

That’s the plain truth, and that’s why the system always keeps demonizing and slandering Hitler as to prevent the normies to openly admit that he was right. They must.

Whenever blonde little girls are stabbed to death by niggers, every man with a backbone can only feel frustration on thinking:

” I hate these fucking subhumans, but I can’t be like Hitler and do something about them…”

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