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Audios William Pierce


This is a postscript to my previous two posts about a dream I doubt will come true.

Either way, we’ll fight with what we have.

A contributor and I will be uploading audios on the topics that have already appeared on this site, in the hope that Aryan males will listen to us (especially young incels who have been marginalised by the anti-white Establishment of our day).

William Pierce passed away in 2002. Here is a sample of one of his radio programmes from that year. No one of Pierce’s calibre has been talking like this since the year he prematurely died…

One reply on “Pierce”

I listen to Dr Pierce every once to inspire me and to avoid apathy.

Few dare to speak like him now. Everybody is walking on eggshells, making sure not to offend anyone while talking in a very “composed” (feminine) way.

But Dr Pierce spoke with anger and resolution in his voice. It makes you feel shame that you are sitting on the coach, not doing anything while forcing yourself to stand up and think “What can I do about this?”.

The solution that Dr Pierce offered was living a life of “greater Jihad” until the timing was right for the lesser Jihad, and the value of leadership. Those things is what the system has been designed to undermine through degeneracy and alienation.

It was a very dark time the day he passed away.

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