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He is back!

by Robert Morgan

Editor’s Note: I am pleased to report that, after a half-year absence, Morgan has returned to discuss with the conservative commenters at The Unz Review. In the comments section, I will quote a couple of more recent comments in other discussion threads by Morgan on that webzine whose commenters—except for Morgan and a few others—exemplify the deficiencies of the racial right, incapable of realising that the root of all evil is what Morgan points out in the article below:


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In his 1927 essay The Future of an Illusion Sigmund Freud took up the question of religion generally, not just Christianity, and put it in a Darwinian context, characterizing man’s religious inclinations as evolutionary adaptations needed to socialize him and make him more amenable to the requirements of civilization. That much seems true, but at the end, he concludes that the advance of science will eventually eliminate the illusion, and indeed, even in his time it looked as if it were already starting to do so. Interestingly enough, Adolf Hitler expressed a very similar opinion in his after-dinner talks with his subordinates. He expected Christianity to wither away under the relentless assault of science, eventually dying out completely. The great Aryan and the great Jew may have been in agreement, but both forecasts were wrong.

The much-exaggerated ‘death’ of Christianity is only appearing to take place because technological civilization is sucking out its essence. Christianity’s obsession with human equality and human rights are the moral codes that are at its core [emphasis by Ed.]. They have now been distilled into law, made into principles upon which that civilization is re-organizing itself, while at the same time the primitive parts, superstitious mumbo-jumbo such as the virgin birth, the immaculate conception, miracles, angels and demons, the belief in the existence of a soul, and the value of faith in a personal God who watches over mankind, etc., are discarded as dregs for which it has no further use. So Christianity isn’t dying at all, and shows no sign of doing so.

Far from having been killed off by the ‘progress’ of science, it has merely changed form. Preferences in law, academia, and finance for the negro and other lowly groups is the legal expression of Jesus’ prophecy that the first shall be last, and the last first. Through taxes and re-distribution of wealth the Christian admonition to give to the poor has become both secularized and compulsory. The system’s intense hostility to white racial survival and patriarchy, already codified into law in a thousand ways, are its embodiment of the notion of human equality as expressed in Galatians 3:28. Consequently, what further need is there of old-time forms of this religion? It may well be that they’re dying out, churches being abandoned and sold off, but this makes no difference when the racially poisonous core of Christianity—its ‘soul’, as it were—is immediately re-incarnated in the form of technological civilization itself.

6 replies on “He is back!”

‘Human rights’ though are another matter entirely. They appear to be an invention of Christianity, and even there, as is shown by Tom Holland in Dominion, it was a concept long under development, only now reaching full flower in our modern age. Search the pre-Christian literature all you like, but you won’t find any mention of ‘human rights’ bestowed on man by a Creator. —Morgan

How is it that that non-Jews that the Jews supposedly control always have no agency? To argue thus is reminiscent of the #metoo craze. The #metoo whores claim they were only innocent waifs unfairly taken advantage of by a Jew. —Morgan


You asked me to post the following:

Dr. Robert Morgan says:

July 7, 2024 at 11:45 pm GMT • 4.8 days ago • 200 Words


In Europe and America, Christianity has been increasingly supplanted by another religion, secularism. Now, many would say that secularism is not a religion, but they would be abjectly wrong. Secularism is an absolute belief system, with its own set of hierarchy and faith leaders. Secularism is a hedonistic and nihilistic religion, which essentially says, “get all you can while you can, because there is nothing else.”

As I wrote above in #243, what you are calling “secularism” is the extracted heart of Christianity, so no wonder it looks like a religion. Behind every precept of political correctness stands a Bible verse. What’s happened is that the technological system that the white man has constructed has assimilated all the parts of Christianity it could use and is in the process of discarding the rest. So say goodbye to miracles, belief in Jesus, and the other primitive nonsense. That was only bait for suckers — useful for a time but now obsolete. This “new and improved”, updated Christian ideology is particularly evident in the West’s immigration problem. It’s no coincidence that it’s only Christian lands who welcome the immigrant.


Christianity lives. It’s part of the technological system now, embedded in our laws and public policies, and stronger than ever.

Indeed, the email you sent me today contained the above quote (it is better that everyone read it and not just me).

America had some great advances on racial theories thanks to its presence of negro populations to study, among other factors. Their studies contributed to the Nordic racial policies of NS Germany.

So, how is that the progress of science in the USA didn’t kill the notion of equality?

Precisely, this is what we discussed in a previous entry. That the American founding fathers based their country on judeo christian foundations, which were doomed to eventually sink, as we are seeing today in the negrefied woke monster.

Under the current status quo, science will only work in favor of maintaining the illusion of equality. A fool’s errand that will eventually lead to racial extinction.

I’m glad to see he is back. I can now start reading Unz’s comment sections, again.

Aside: this does bring up a disturbing reality (as you have commented on several times on your site) and that is: what happens when pro-white internet warriors and important commentators, suddenly disappear.

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