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Autobiography Pedagogy


Egon Schiele’s Wife with Her Nephew.

Before commenting further on Simms’ book, I would like to say something about my trilogy, which I am re-reading as a preliminary to translating it.

Yesterday I looked through some trilogy pages about my nephew who disturbed me, with whom I share the property where I live with his mother, my sister.

It was he who, when he was a boy of six, invented the nickname ‘Chechar’ and, since he loved me so much, everything pointed to the fact that I could raise him as a son insofar as my sister was a single mother.

Now he is a man of twenty-two, and he has not a single atom of my ideals: nothing, absolutely nothing of the four words, let alone the fourteen. Moreover, like the rest of my nephews and the people of his generation, he is a degenerate as far as culture is concerned. To give just a few examples: being straight he has painted his nails, has always listened to degenerate music and hangs out with his degenerate friends everywhere, constantly coming home in the wee hours of the morning after attending degenerate parties. Unlike Hitler, the nephew eats the flesh of mammals that were tormented in slaughterhouses and, although I gave him my trilogy, he doesn’t read it and I doubt he ever will.

The reason for all this is simple. Unlike Jane Austen’s world, when the heir was the first-born male, in our world, upbringing is done by unwed mothers. And the first thing these little women do is to hand their child over to the clutches of the System so that the System ‘educates’ him.

I could do nothing for my nephew’s education because of the lack of financial means. And even if I had them, where could I take him to school in the West? Even if legally the patria potestas had belonged to me, in the country where we live I would have had to isolate him from children his age, schools, television and he would never have had a mobile phone.

The home library would have been his refuge, home-schooling would have been applied to him and films would have to be almost all in black and white, allowing him to watch only one of them on Sundays. But in that hypothetic castle of purity, which children would he get along with? I would have to be a millionaire to move to an Eastern European country where the Gomorrahite culture is still absent. In this scenario, my sister would have had no say because I, and only I, would have the financial means to make these decisions.

But even a wealthy priest of the holy words would have had difficulty educating him. Country children in the less polluted places of Eastern Europe could begin to be contaminated by possessing, for example, mobile phones: a small window that normalises the world of Gomorrah, and so on.

It has been painful to watch the process of how a pure mind, like the one my nephew had as a child, becomes debased and one can do nothing about it. Is it understandable why I fantasise about mushroom clouds above the major cities of the West? To return to Austen’s world Kalki must first come…

13 replies on “Nephew”

This also sheds light on what I was reading yesterday in the middle book of my trilogy. My father’s music school failed. My nephew studied there and these kinds of observations about Chopin—or any other notable composer—are now 100% out of his mind. He only listens to the degenerate music that is in fashion today.

Art & the emotions/spirit it emanates has more of an impact on a person than the written word & lectures. Degenerate art emanates the emotions & mentality of living for ones self & of defying traditional social norms & this theme/spirit of modern art & artistic expression is the only type of art that is out there for the youth.

The power of artistic expression & cultural creation should not then solely be in the hands of degenerates which is the case today; art should also be expressed by those who espouse traditional Western values & ultimately express the Nordic racial spirit.

There is great anger, sorrow, optimism & other emotions for the destruction of the Nordic race & Western civilization & that could be expressed in music, film, novels, etc. & it if properly executed it could crush modern degenerate art & culture & bring about a revival of traditional Western/Nordic high culture which you & your nephew could share a love for.

I am sorry to hear about the tragic fate of your nephew, herr Caesar.

You know, younger generations are coming more and more degenerate. They embrace the trends in order to not be an outcast, and end up being really unsophisticated and with lack of focus in what is truly important.

I wholly agree with you. What the system wants is more single, unwed mothers so she will let the system indoctrinate her children.

The children must be taken away from the western rotten culture in order to not lost them to the system’s degeneracy, but a lot of parents today are too stupid to ever realize this, and too permissive.

It all of this come to the problem of…stupid parents. Why they let their children at the mercy of the system? Why their let their sons to become cultural niggers? Or why their let their daughters to follow a path of single motherhood and, potentially, prostitution?

Why they just don’t do something about it?

As promised in my Thursday post on Sense and Sensibility, on midnight I watched Pride and Prejudice, including the bonus clips from the DVD that discuss dating in Jane Austen’s time. Since these were contemporary English people talking about it, watching that bonus material made me wonder why there are no English who openly say that the 18th century was better than ours?

The answer is devastatingly simple. As you say, people don’t want to be outcasts, and because of the urge to feel loved by their peers, they are capable of betraying everything, including their very ethnicity, and the most basic standards of morality that allow their race to flourish.

It is extremely rare to meet someone who rebels because those who do it suffer ostracism.

Because to those parents this degeneracy seems normal and they only think that becuase they have a modernist mentality. Remember that it has been almost 80 years since the West became culturally degenerate so that is several generations of people who grew up thinking this stuff is normal and passing it on to their children. Meanwhile any culture representation for the Nordic race and its racial mentality or spirit has been nonexistent. Traditional racialism and is only ever expressed in old books or small blogs which are not very popular or are interesting from an superficial point of view so the degenerates have every significant means at their disposal (streaming services, the film making industry, a moral imperative to defend their beliefs and interests, to spread their degeneracy far and wide while the noble race and its cause is only able to reach the minds of a handful of individuals.

So the solution to this degeneracy problem then is clear. The Nordic movement needs a moral imperative which focuses more on love and heroic defensiveness for their race and less on hating Brown people and Jews unless they are harming/victimizing Nordics which most of them are already doing anyway. it also needs the means for widespread positive representation for the Nordic race which if executed properly will make more people favor the Nordic race and its selection over the degeneracy they currently consume. I would suggest animation as a means of doing this.

I have replaced your “&” for “and”. I hope you’ll save me the trouble of doing it again in your next comment.

Exactly this! We must become creators of stories, images, videos of happy White families, with focus on the best elements of the nordics just like NS art. AI now will enable us to do this really cheaply, use free models, or pay ones, very soon we will able to create even Hollywood level movies with AI, we need to impose and show our ideastos our youth. People learn by examples and imitation.

I don’t think we should use so-called AI to create so-called works of art. Art should come from the unconscious of an Aryan making contact with the Self; not from a soulless computer.

You are right. AI can’t create anything original. The art that should be made by and for Nordics should come from the Nordic spirit just like how degenerate Jewish art & films are made from the modern Jewish spirit.

Simply showing Nordics is also not going to be enough; the Nordic spirit of heroism and the expression of a healthy Nordic body being a physical representation of the Nordic racial soul.

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