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Film Metaphysics of race / sex Sense & Sensibility

Sense & sensibility

In three sessions, at midnight I once again watched the 1995 film Sense and Sensibility.

I think a priest of the holy words should see it, say, every two years. Of the eleven films I recommend, this is one of my three favourites, in that it visually depicts the ethnostate we must reach: After the extermination of the Neanderthals, a world with diminished technology, without a single non-white or mudblood (as in the film), where it is possible to court English roses as the axis around which all culture revolves.

I watched the film before going to bed. There were several times in the evenings that I couldn’t credit the beauty of the actresses’ white skin, as white as snow. If Eros is the dialectical force behind all this metaphysical theatre of the fourteen words, the only thing I can say about the absence in the racial right of these images is that we are in the Christian era. Remember: it was in the Greco-Roman world and in the Italian Renaissance that the Aryan figure triumphed in the most splendid palaces and public places, something that ended when Christianity prevailed again after the Reformation and Counter-Reformation.

Among the commenters, only one Englishman observed several years ago that I was the only one in the racialist blogosphere who kept harping on and on about the beauty of the Aryan woman. As those of you who visited this site when it was hosted by WordPress will remember, there were paintings of ethereal nymphs on the sidebar that motivated me to keep writing.

If, as Jung said when Hitler was in power, there are two collective unconscious, one Jewish and another Aryan, the collective unconscious that has currently taken possession of the white soul is undoubtedly the Jewish one. Otherwise we would already be seeing, everywhere, representations of Aryan beauty in non-commercial but religious and political contexts, as we could in the streets and temples of Greece and Rome.

As I hadn’t seen Sense and Sensibility for a while, I think I’ll watch Pride and Prejudice, filmed a decade later, for the next few midnights…

4 replies on “Sense & sensibility”

The Nordic or “Aryan” spirit that was advocated by Guenther not a collective consciousness of masses. it is a spirit driven by the need for self-improvement & heroism which is completely opposite to self-indulgence, unbridled individualism, contentedness & “free love” of the Jewish spirit which always counter-selects against the Nordic race in favor of brown or mixed brown people.

This spirit is the key to victory for the fair race according to Guenther This is why I find Guenther’s words & works to actually be the key to save the fair race in our time instead of Hitler’s but that is just my opinion.

I often wonder why the Nordic race managed to survive despite Christianity being imposed on them. If all of Europe became Christian that should have caused intermixing between the dark & fair races so that there would be no divide between blonds & brunettes/brown people but despite that the Nordic race would still survive to develop the Renaissance & high culture & even expand to new lands in the Americas & elsewhere.

I think they survived because the Nordic race was not completely subjected by Christianity. They may have accepted it but they would also always defy it & even at times subject the Pope to their will. They even made their own versions of Christianity through the Protestant Reformation. Also some Papal offices like Cardinal, Abbott, Bishop, Archbishop & even Pope would be occupied by some Nordic noblemen during the Middle Ages so the Christianity of the Middle Ages was actually under the control & influence of the Nordic racial spirit but not so much today thanks to the modern Jewish spirit. So if the Nordic spirit were to become massively influential again then not even Christianity or Jews or even ideas about “social equality” would have power & influence over White/Nordic people.


To what I understand, the Nordic race was able to survive because, despite Judeo Christianity, non white hordes were never able to expand through the continent freely.

There was always a fighting force against them, as most of Europeans have never been truly Christians.

Today is unprecedented because, as the Nordic races achieved its higher status of military and technological development, most of their leaders, still possessed by the jewish spirit, saw in non whites as a source of cheap labour and “souls to be save”, and only after they were defeated in a long, desperate struggle for survival.

(The mongols, arabs and other orientals were very close to succeed at overwhelming Europe, undoubtedly thanks to the weakness that judeo Christianity brought. )

In short words, they felt powerful (and comfortable) enough to think of non whites as some sort of a pet project instead of a pest to be terminated.

And WW2 was the culmination of how far they were willing to go in order to keep that project going, which in turn it will end up in the extinction of Aryans.

There is no fighting force against these hordes anymore. Their governments have submitted to the will of the jewish god.


The fighting force against these hordes still exists & it is called the Nordic spirit; a spirit which no ones understands or knows about because it not as mainstream as Judeo-Christian spirituality. The Nordic spirit along with the existence of the Nordic race is what protected them from being destroyed by Christianity & the non-white hordes of Mongols, Moors & Turks.

Today Nordics may still exist but their racial spirit, which shows the Nordic man as being the hero of his own family or tribe/clan alongside other Nordic men as equals, does not but if it were to come back then Nordic men, if they still exist in large numbers, will for sure defend their race & not give a crap about the interests of these Non-white hordes who are hostile to them like so many foolish Whites do.

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