Robert Jay Mathews (1953-1984) was the founder of the revolutionary group Silent Brotherhood, which modelled some of its activities on William Pierce’s novel The Turner Diaries and fought to establish an Aryan nation within the US.
Mathews and the other members of the Silent Brotherhood were ratted by Tom Martínez. After he revealed information about Mathews’ activities to the FBI, Mathews was surrounded in a small cabin south of Coupeville, Washington by over 500 agents on December 8, 1984. Mathews refused to leave after an intense exchange of gunfire. The FBI fired flares at the cabin and set it on fire, killing Mathews who was thirty-one years old.
I said this yesterday in the comments section, about the post on why I will no longer be every third day quoting Redbeard’s book. What I said got me thinking during my walk today. Recall that William Pierce himself tried to dissuade young Mathews from doing what he did (murdering a Jewish journalist, imitating his novel). A bold thought occurred to me:
I understand that except for David Lane, in Mathews’ group the members were Christians (like Lane, all were imprisoned—guilt by association—after the murder of the subversive journalist). If we are right that the primary cause of white decline is Christian standards of morality, paradoxically exacerbated by atheists (cf. the all-important PDF Neo-Christianity), then I am more dangerous to the System than the failed Mathews.
Bear in mind that I have personally known people who resemble Mathews’ group, as I said in January this year in the post ‘Tyrone, Chris’ who are now in jail. With Tyrone, who used to correspond with James Mason, I got to arguing but he went his own way. Although Tyrone and Chris were as innocent as Lane, they fantasised about ideas that were impractical at the moment (remember what I said in my post yesterday referring to a Kubrick film: it is impossible to get out of the trench because of machine-gun burst). Unlike me, who took the trouble to read Karlheinz Deschner and even translate him (see my featured post), these young people believed that it was still possible to apply the courage of Might is Right in the 21st century.
But it is not possible.
We have to understand what is happening before our actions can be effective. Pierce was right and Mathews wasn’t: it is time for meta-politics transvaluing our Christian values internally—not for plain politics.
Only if these NATO madmen, captained by Uncle Sam, continue to provoke the Russian bear to the extent that the bear reacts, and we see mushroom clouds over various American cities as another Kubrick film ends, will politics be possible.
For the moment the System still holds all the cards. We cannot get out of the trenches. It is time for the internal jihad: the priesthood of the holy words. Recall the words of the wisest living American:
The first step of the revolution does not begin with the expedient and safe blurting of Jew, Jew, Jew [Editor’s note: the white nationalists’ approach]; that is after the fact. The first step of the revolution begins upon the surface of a mirror to identify the source of weakness that has allowed the penetration of an alien and poisonous spirit.
Those are Michael O’Meara’s words. Young Tyrone and Chris, whom I met a decade ago in London, would be doing more damage to the system if they had followed my path, the path of the mummified three-eyed raven in a cave north of the Wall.
4 replies on “Mirror”
If there is something I have learned while exploring the movements that aim to regain the homelands that once belonged to Nordic (White) people is that you should not play the villain or appear to play the villian within the narrative by the enemy of the Nordic (White) race which usually is expressed by consistently attacking other groups of people who have taken over historic Nordic homelands.
They do this because of their frustration with their countries being lost & their people not doing anything about it. They can blame Jews or blacks or the antiwhite narrative but that is not the root of the problem.
The root of the problem is the change in spiritual mentality from the Nordic spirit of the hero to the modern Jewish spirit of Individualism & undisciplined freedom. If the Nordic heroic spirit is dominant through a strong Nordic racial population within Europe & America then most Nordic men will answer the call of action to defend their homelands. If people are not educated in the Nordic spirit & see the Nordic man as the model for the hero then the destruction of the West will continue.
Of course, but if this is so, we must begin to openly say that we must repudiate the archetype that Jesus represents and, once we cross the Rubicon, have the Aryan Heydrich as our patron saint.
But to do that we first have to look at ourselves in the mirror…
Of course self-reflection is a major aspect of Nordic racial spirituality/mentality. Jesus represents the archetype of the sole hero one who everyone must depend on to be saved & blessed with prosperity. The modern superhero who saves the rootless masses is a similar trope. The Nordic idea however says that all within the Nordic race/tribe & it’s leaders can all be heroes who defend their homeland & women. That is why those who follow Christianity are cowards who depend on the strong to help them. So many strong & capable Nordic men have died doing so without an ounce of gratitude from the mixed masses of Christians who just used them to fight their wars. If it wasn’t for the defense & loyalty from the Nordic race Christianity would have died out centuries ago.
“machine-gun fire” instead of “machine-gun blast”.
“we see mushroom clouds” instead of “we see mushrooms”.