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Film Final solution Real men

Heydrich, 8

When the team resumes their work after the break, they go on to discuss the number of Jews to be deported from the conquered countries, quoting numbers and statistics.

What I find insane about those American anti-Semites who publish in respected webzines is that they fail to mention the blunder their country committed to waging war against Germany.

Result of the blunder? Instead of having figures of deported Jews on the desks of contemporary rulers, we have the figures on the SPLC director’s wall of the areas of the US that are no longer white!

As I said: it is a fight to the death between the two races, and by leaving the final solutions off the table these Christian and neochristian anti-Semites are only obeying the New Testament injunctions written by Jews to tame the minds of the brutal Aryans.

Or is there anyone among the most notable racialists in the US who secretly (like these at the Wannsee conference) approves of the Germans’ final solution and I have not heard about it?

If anti-white policies run their course to the extent of imprisoning these lukewarm Americans in a dystopian future (remember that three of the Englishmen I knew personally were imprisoned for thoughtcrime), will they be able, from prison, to finally acknowledge that their nation made a huge mistake in WW2?

Many visitors must have noticed that, in recent years, few articles on this site deal with the Jewish problem. That is because The West’s Darkest Hour focuses on the Aryan psyche. I like final solutions like the men on this roundtable and I have no patience for feminised males who do nothing but whine and whine and whine about what Jews (or blacks, or traitorous whites or feminists) have recently done here or there. Such an attitude shouldn’t be expected from the Aryan male: it is a woman’s attitude.

We are by nature murderers, rapists and creators of great civilisations (cf. Sparta, the abduction of the Sabine women by the early Romans, and the Viking raids on Christian monks).

Real men don’t complain: they plan how to seize power to leave no gene upon gene of the enemy and no stone upon stone of their civilisation.

One reply on “Heydrich, 8”

Real men don’t complain.

Carve those words in stone.

This youtube video belongs to a channel with some interesting analysis on Nietzsche.

“A man resorts to dialectics when he has no other means to hand.”

This is pertinent to this topic.

As the thumbnail says, “Don’t Argue. Command.”

If American dissidents were real men, their gatherings would be in secret, to discuss their plans for assassination of high-value targets. Instead, they gather in conventions to listen to the reactionary complaints of a NeoXtian with a microphone. Then they buy a signed copy of his book on the way out.

It’s good that the Brits, French and Germans are being hounded by the thoughtpolice. It forces them to resort to subterfuge like the muzzies and their ‘Taqiya’. Start thinking and acting like revolutionaries for a change.

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