The beautiful Greek vs. the ugly Athenian
The last words of my previous post on Heydrich give us pause for thought. From this moment in the video linked in the comments section, we hear words that show the gulf between us and the contemporary racial right. I refer to a phrase, already quoted in my recent PDF Crusade against the Cross, that Socrates’ ugliness was practically a refutation to the ancient Greeks.
Alcibiades, ‘the most beautiful man in Greece’ according to the video, represents the ideals of this site; and Socrates represents the methodology of the contemporary racial right. In short, what really counts is physical beauty, the rest follows from there (art, politics, religion, social system, etc.).
As the author of the video said, Nietzsche is very difficult to understand because he is like a fish criticising the water around him. And as I said in one of my first posts about Heydrich, although I will no longer drop names of racialists whose POV I criticise, I can criticise them without mentioning them.
There are a couple of notable racialists who for years now have been talking about Nietzsche without understanding him (one of them has even appeared in the MSM). They don’t get it because the water is Christian ethics, and today that morality has enslaved both the Westerners, including the racialists, and that projection of the West that is Latin America. None of them even realise that they are living in a fish matrix.
Nietzsche would be like the fish that began to develop primitive lungs to get out of the ocean, and we would be animals starting to become adapted to the uninhabited land.
The video linked above is informative, although it bothers me that it contains advertisements from its sponsor.