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I began my previous article with the words: ‘In these unbelievably crazy times when Western elites are bringing us closer and closer to a nuclear apocalypse…’

As I have said, The West’s Darkest Hour is not a news site, unless important things are happening. I was dismayed recently that the mainstream racial forums remain silent on the subject, with the exception of The Unz Review such as this article by Pepe Escobar, ‘The West Is Hell-Bent on Provoking Russia Into Hot War’.

4 replies on “Pepe”

A tragic thing about this is that most people are “happy” that Donald Trump got convicted (you see how sad and pathetic their focus on frivolous thing are) and yet, they could never fathom the idea of the imminent danger that is coming.

Could you imagine what they will feel when the lights go out, communications stop, and the only piece of news they get are that several American cities have been nuked?

It would be an explosion in anarchy and terror. Everybody will lose their minds (and I feel sorry for whoever is currently living in majority negro areas) as their safe world falls apart.

And then what will they think? Could they even remember the name of a politician?

Will they feel shame of even thinking about the really stupid things they used to waste their minds on before crude reality hit them?

I feel sorrow for the shock they will have after experiencing an abrupt and brutal end to their small worlds, especially for white women.

Having said that, this shock, this change, is really necessary, because we just can’t keep moving forward like we are now. We should never have reached this point.

The system must burn, and may the gods have mercy on me for saying that.

I pray to them that, when the nukes arrived, they hit majority black cities, or NYC.

Normies need to wake up, degenerates need to go, browns and negros must die. Ave Kalki. Amen

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