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Der Antichrist (book) Friedrich Nietzsche


against the Cross, 1

These days I have been rereading many of my books on Friedrich Nietzsche, some passages I haven’t reread for years, if not decades. I did so because I consider Robert Sheaffer’s article on Der Antichrist which I republished a week ago to be important, vital I would say to grasp the POV of this site.

One of the things I’ve complained about post-1945 National Socialism is the lack of a NS textbook. A few days ago when I resumed reading This Time the World I came across a passage in which George Lincoln Rockwell said that in Iceland he re-read Mein Kampf a dozen times. That’s the only material he had in the island! Rockwell, of course, was unaware of the distinction between exoteric Hitlerism, plainly embodied in Mein Kampf, and esoteric Hitlerism: what the Führer confessed to his inner circle of friends about Christianity.

But Hitler didn’t develop these anti-Christian ideas on his own: they were already circulating in Germany. Interestingly, if one looks at American white nationalism today, one notices that it is very similar to exoteric German NS regarding race realism and the Jewish Question. But the esoteric part of NS, what Richard Weikart exposed in his book, is completely absent on the American racial right, at least on the most popular websites.

As I said in my post yesterday, ‘The West’s Darkest Hour is not a news blog. Rather, it is a “crusade against the cross” in that, unlike white nationalists, I am convinced that understanding the CQ is more important than the JQ to save the Aryan man from his current self-loathing and thus future extinction’. In fact, I have just changed the subtitle of this blog from ‘Feinderkennung’ to ‘Crusade against the Cross’.

For, as I have said elsewhere, the Western man, Christian and atheist alike, fanatically worships the Cross: the former with a Jew hanging on it, and the latter without it—though in their twisted minds they replace the crucified rabbi with the new Jesus: be it the marginalised black man or the marginalised trans person. Whoever is the leper of the age is worshipped as the crucified one by contemporary atheists, and my crusade is directed precisely at these Christians and neo-Christian atheists.

Some say that the young Hitler carried a copy of Thus Spake Zarathustra in his knapsack during the First World War. Its author, Nietzsche, hasn’t been understood because it is still a Christian age in the United States, and a neo-Christian age in Europe. If these days I reread what I have read about the German philosopher, it was precisely with the idea of introducing the visitor to this tragic figure. Given that I have voluminous biographies on Nietzsche, I feel like starting a new series by mentioning only the anecdotes that seem relevant to our point of view, culminating with what, unlike the consensus (the Zarathustra), I believe to be his magnum opus: Der Antichrist, completed three months before the notorious philosopher lost his mind.

Axiologically, the Christian Weikart, an American, is our enemy; as is the neo-Christian Tom Holland, an Englishman, even though I have so highly recommended Holland’s book on this site. Anti-NS Holland understood perfectly the implications of what a transvaluation of all Christian values would mean if implemented (e.g., the JP would be solved at once). Sheaffer, another anti-NS, is right to say that Nietzsche’s Der Antichrist is ‘the most devastating and complete philosophical attack on Christian psychology, Christian beliefs and Christian values ever written’.

It is high time to present not these axiological enemies who have served me so well in my little crusade, but the biography of the Röcken-born philosopher that will serve to shed some light on Hitler’s anti-Christianity.

One reply on “Crusade”

The Cross. Above I said:

…the former with a Jew hanging on it, and the latter without it—although in their twisted minds they replaced the crucified rabbi with…

For an explanation of this, see my article ‘On empowering birds feeding on corpses’ (slightly edited on pages 132-136 of my book Daybreak with the title ‘On empowering carcass-eating birds’).

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