I haven’t said the last word in my series on mental disorders in general, and narcissism in particular. I refer to the ‘Marco case’, what I wrote from the end of February to the beginning of this month in six posts (#1, #2, #3, #4, #5 and #6). I am not finished with the subject because I am convinced that understanding cases of psychoses of specific people sheds light on the folie en mass that the white man in general is currently suffering from across the West. In this, I resemble the logo used by the late Lloyd deMause, whom I have mentioned on my books and on this site: a globe sitting on the couch of the psychoanalyst.
In my series on narcissism I said that it bothered me that some Jewish psychologists made the important findings whereas, if Uncle Adolf had won the war, those same findings would have been made by Aryans. Today I discovered the channel of YouTuber Richard Grannon, who, like Vaknin, delves into the aetiology of narcissistic disorder although, unlike Vaknin, Grannon looks like an Aryan man.
From this point in his video until before minute nine, Grannon mentions a theme I have touched on in passing: Even though narcissists distort reality astronomically, mental health professionals have been very reluctant to call them psychotic. Grannon doesn’t say why but I say it now.
Academic psychiatry is based on the lie that neuroses have an environmental aetiology for a victim, i.e. a toxic environment and psychotherapy may be useful here; but that psychoses have a biological aetiology and therefore those suffering from this condition have to take their meds. This is the only way Big Pharma can do its multi-billion dollar business (as psychiatrist Peter Breggin has pointed out, the American Psychiatric Association and Big Pharma are business partners—it’s as simple as that!).
But someone who doesn’t buy into the myth that neuroses and psychoses have different aetiologies can better understand not only the various psychoses but realise that in narcissistic disorder the subject is clearly out of touch with reality; i.e. he is psychotic as Grannon tells us in his video linked above. Orthodox psychiatry doesn’t like to acknowledge this because it is known that narcissism has an environmental aetiology (extremely poor mothering), and official psychiatry will never, ever concede that a single psychotic disorder may have an environmental causation. Its collusion with Big Pharma dictates its ideology.
Much of the evil that the West suffers is the same that the common narcissist (or psychotic subject) suffers. The contemporary Westerner has created a false self-image, as can be seen in the highlighted post ‘Myth’, linked to the top of this page in red letters. Just as the psychotic subject is unable to abandon his false self and return to the world of the sane, the common Westerner doesn’t renounce the folie en mass that has been infecting the white man’s mind since World War II.
As I have already said, biography and history are the same, whereas History is simply the galaxy of individual biographies: billions of stars gravitating towards each other.