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Axiology Liberalism


…for the record, what Gaedhal calls ‘Atheistic Hyperchristianity’ is what we have been calling ‘Neo-Christianity’ on this site.

2 replies on “Just…”

Today I received this email:

Hello Cesar,

I’ve commented a few times on your old website and check in every few months or so to see what you’ve posted and if you have any new insights that I haven’t seen myself I spotted the post in the subject line and saw the following and felt I must comment.

“The West would be as immune to subversive Jewish ideas as China, India or the Islamic world.”

None of those places or peoples is immune nor even resistant to Jewish subversion.

China has lived under quite direct Jewish subversion since the beginning of Mao’s rise to power where Jews both western and Russian in origin were great aids to his revolution. Even today China censors and suppresses, most probably violently, any mention of National Socialism within the bounds of the Digital “Great Wall of China”, they also censor any criticism of Israel, who is their ally more surely than Israel is to the West. Their dominant ideology is Communism, born out of Marx’s Jewish head yet colored with the equally Jewish ideas of Christianity. Anything they have done that seems more in line with Natural Law, has been done only out of absolute necessity, and even then it only forestalls the price China will pay for all the damage to life and the environment everywhere they have gone.

The Islamists are under an ideology possibly more Jewish than Christianity. Firstly, most indications I’ve seen point to Mohammed being a Jew himself, provided he even existed, and it pays high respect to Jesus, while relegating him to the status of a prior Prophet, disrespectful, perhaps, but it denotes a care for prior iterations of the overarching Jewish religion, Abrahamism. Second, they don’t care if Jews continue to exist, or there would be no Mizrahim alive in Israel/Palestine today, all they had to do, to live and be left largely alone, was pay the Jizya tax. If they did so they were allowed their religion, and even were exempt from military service, unless by choice which exempted them from having to pay the tax. Saudi Arabia, is fully under control of Israel, from what I understand it’s rulers were Wahhabis, noted as being particularly Jew-friendly, and who have been making great strides towards secularism recently, such is the Israelis power over their Semitic brothers thoughts that ISIS/ISIL profusely apologized for having attacked some Israelis, while supposedly being rabid fundamentalist Muslims. The front of hatred that Islamists put on against Jews is false or else only on religious grounds, as they will and have allied in common interest in the past, even Palestinians have been known to forego that hatred even as the Jews drive them from their lands.

The Indians are not immune to their influence either, they are simply more resistant on the religious front, only due to their penchant for Syncretism. New Ageism has infected India in reverse, just as their corrupted religious ideologies, both those descended from the Vedic and Buddhist schools, have corrupted spiritualism in the west. They were corrupted with Jewish influence more by the British and thus by proxy with Christian ideals which have percolated throughout their society, with all but, the Brahmin and their most rural peoples, being sullied with Jewish influence.

This is not to say they’re all powerful or to disagree with your correct assessment of them not being the ultimate source of Aryan problems but they do have far reaching influence, far more than most are aware, and it grows the longer they are allowed free rein.


It is Christians and neo-Christians who indulge in evil by subscribing to NT values, and Jewish subversion is merely an opportunistic infection.

I recently used the metaphor of falling off a motorbike and getting a scraped arm infected. I blamed the accident (Xtian axiology) one hundred per cent for the infection (JQ).

The point is that neither the Chinese nor the Hindus nor the Islamic world have a clearly ethnosuicidal ideology to the extent of importing masses of blacks and announcing, as we see on the streets of London, English women marrying these apes!

We are the ones who have been causing this since Constantine (before imperial Rome, the Mediterranean was once a place dominated entirely by Aryans). The Jews have only been taking advantage of our axiological madness.

I understand what you meant, Cesar, I simply wished to point out that the jews do not slack in subverting others as they do us. I erred in forgetting to mention that their subversion of others, is ultimately in service to their ultimate goal of the extermination of the Aryan people, because it is we and we alone who have the necessary balance of the powers of creation and destruction and the inherent will to oppose their domination.
It should be noted, I think, that the only reason the other races, similarly infected by jews, aren’t as ethnosuicidal, is because they have different kin structures than we do, are already miscegenated, and that Christian/Neochristian ethics has had far less time to work on them and been pushed far less fanatically on their Nations. In some cases similar, but less virulent, ideologies had already supplanted and provided some small measure of resistance to it. In some, it has been pushed in an already diluted form, perhaps taking the edge off of the ideology. These actually apply to all of the mentioned peoples in different ways.
All three could easily be called, and pointed out correctly as horribly miscegenated. The Chinese have been dominated in every imaginable way for the last 1500 years or more, by one conqueror after another, not the least of which is Genghis Khan. The root of the name Arab means mixed in some contexts, and for the Indians it’s blindingly obvious.
Of course, the particular virology of Christianity is targeted towards the Aryan above all else, it is the values of Aryans, undiluted, that it was designed to overturn, reverse, and corrupt. I simply like to see the whole picture, to see if any element one may otherwise overlook can reveal some truth that would otherwise remain hidden.

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