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Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Kalki’s apprentice

This is my rewritten foreword to Savitri’s
book which I am still proofreading:

Editor’s preface

On the featured page of my website The Wests Darkest Hour you can see a list of recommended readings. But Hellstorm and The Fair Race are only the first stepping stones for the normie who has already dipped his feet in the psychological Rubicon. Now, thanks to this last stepping stone, he can finish crossing the river.

Memories and Reflections of an Aryan Woman (original in French: Souvenirs et Réflexions d’une Aryenne) is probably the only readable book that introduces the initiate to the spirit of National Socialism. Mein Kampf is not a good introduction for the simple fact that Adolf Hitler had to hide his anti-Christian sentiments from the masses of Germans, as demonstrated by Richard Weikart in Hitler’s Religion. It would have been unwise, in the 1920s and 30s, to spread openly and unabashedly the Führer’s anti-Christianity without the proper psychological preparation of the German people.

Apart from the fact that hostility to Christianity, central to Hitler’s pantheist religion, is only barely glimpsed in the public-relations book titled Mein Kampf, other writers helped Hitler to redact it converting it into a long-winded book. That is why David Irving, the most authoritative historian of Hitler and the Third Reich, did not even read Mein Kampf: it was unclear which passages were authored by Hitler himself and which by his assistants.

But there is a deeper reason why anyone wishing to be introduced to National Socialism should not begin his intellectual journey with Mein Kampf. The catastrophe that befell the entire white race after 1945 is of such astronomical proportions that to understand the Religion of the Strong one must begin with a text written after that year. More to the point, Mein Kampf omitted to discuss the extermination of non-whites around the globe. It wasn’t politically correct to talk about final solutions to naïve Germans who still obeyed New Testament mandates, the word of the god of the Jews. Hitler didn’t develop the exterminationist hatred that we now feel for the simple fact that he ignored what would happen to the fair race if he lost the war. In a nutshell, Mein Kampf is for the normies of a bygone era: not for those of us living in the blackest hour of all history.

There is something else. ‘Numinous’ is a term derived from the Latin numen meaning arousing mysterious or awe-inspiring emotion. Once one strips National Socialism of all reticence to talk openly against Christianity, NS is incredibly fascinating and deserves an introductory book reflecting its intrinsic numinousness. And only Savitri Devi delved into the heart of a post-1945 NS that, if interpreted through numinous music, could be captured by Wagner’s Götterdämmerung. In no other book can we grasp Hitler’s true religion as in Memories and Reflections. Not even in Savitri’s The Lightning and the Sun since it opens with two chapters on historical figures who have nothing to do with the ideals of the German Reich. She published Memories and Reflections seventeen years after The Lightning and the Sun, when her thought had already reached full philosophical maturity.

On a personal note, this book saved me from my solitude. It is amazing how the final two chapters portray my exterminationist passion as if I had written them myself.[1] Even before I read Memories and Reflections I was, like Savitri, a member of what she calls in her first chapter ‘the Religion of the Strong.’ All the criticism Savitri makes of anthropocentrism I knew decades before I read this very book, through intimate soliloquies that I could share with no one. And her concept of a ‘man against Time’ made me understand myself for the first time in my life.

Quite a few passages of this book describe me so perfectly that the idea crossed my mind to insert here a photograph of me taken from afar during one of my countless daily walks, immersed in my thoughts and without any friends in the metropolis of over twenty million people where I live, to the extent of not owning a mobile phone due to my absolute alienation in a world that, by repudiating Hitler, chose Hell. The good news is that, as I was born in 1958, learning that I had shared twenty-four years of life with Savitri Devi (1905-1982), even though I never met her and we were living on different continents, brought me out of my existential solitude. So in honour of what Savitri tells us here about the Hindu archetype Kalki I have added a subtitle to The West’s Darkest Hour: ‘Kalki’s apprentice website.’

The inescapable question arises: Why, after Savitri, has no man or woman written anything like this book? The answer is devastatingly simple: because the Aryan spirit was completely and overwhelmingly crushed after 1945. As American neo-Nazi James Mason put it during an interview with white supremacist Tom Metzger, ‘With the death of Adolf Hitler in the close of the Second World War in 1945 Western civilization, as it had existed and is still perceived, DIED [emphasis in Mason’s voice] once and for all. The only thing that was left now was a gene pool,’ referring to whites. And the saddest thing is that this greatest crime of all history was perpetrated by those whites who destroyed Hitler’s Reich.

I ignore whether this abridged translation (the sentences of Savitri’s original text were too long) will do any or no good at all in resurrecting the Aryan spirit. For the time being I can only confess that all the illustrations in this abridged translation were inserted by me.

César Tort 
February 2023


[1] See also El Grial: the third book of my autobiographical trilogy that is still untranslated into English.



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