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Bardamu in German!

Ferdinand Bardamu’s long essay ‘Why Europeans Must Reject Christianity’ is one of the most important essays in The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour, a book that visitors to this site who want to comment here should have already read.

I am pleased to report that Bardamu’s essay has been translated into German, and the PDF can be accessed: here.

Our philosophy at The West’s Darkest Hour can be summed up like this: We believe that the active substance of the poison that is killing the white race is Christian ethics, which includes the secularised scale of values of the West today. From this angle, the subversion of the media at the hands of Jewry represents a catalyst that only accelerates the process of ethnic suicide that already preceded, by centuries, the appropriation of the media by Jews.

Our point of view is somewhat similar to what was said, in private, in the high ranks of the National Socialists of the last century in Europe. In contrast, American white nationalists believe that the active substance is solely and exclusively Jewish subversion. I hope that Bardamu’s essay, which I understand will also be translated into French, will help to shift the paradigm from American white nationalism to German National Socialism.

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