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Kevin MacDonald

Morgan replies to MacDonald

Kevin MacDonald: ‘So now a substantial proportion of Whites think it’s a moral imperative to replace the White population’.

Robert Morgan: I don’t think that’s true. What they think is a moral imperative is to be raceless themselves; to see everyone, regardless of race, just as people, members of a common humanity. In their view, a moral person sees race as unimportant, and this is largely due to only two factors, both of which the right perversely endorses: Christianity and its influence on white culture, and the meritocratic nature of technological civilization.

The right confirms this with its endless complaints about Negro crime, as if to ask ‘Why can’t these Negroes just be good Christian citizens and stop committing crimes? Why aren’t they colour-blind, just as we are? Then they could be useful members of our society!’, and again with the Jew, MacDonald’s specialty, as if to ask ‘Why won’t these Jews love us back? We love them! We love everyone, just as Jesus told us to!’

They complain about the Jew and the Negro not because of what they are—aliens—but because of what they do, or more precisely, what they don’t do, which is act like white people. If only we could fix that! If only the Jew and the Negro would start acting white, everything would be perfect…!

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