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Alexandr Solzhenitsyn Daybreak Publishing Gulag Archipelago (book)

Two Hundred Years Together

Many people are discussing Spencer J. Quinn’s review of Solzhenitsyn’s second non-fiction book, Two Hundred Years Together that I was talking about yesterday: a review originally published on Counter-Currents in various instalments.

The truth is that both Solzhenitsyn and Quinn make so many concessions to Christian morality that neither was able to see the truth: only Hitler would have destroyed Stalin’s willing executioners—and I’m tempted to add triple parentheses on those words—if the US and the UK hadn’t intervened.

From the point of view of this site, the two non-fiction books by the Russian author, The Gulag Archipelago and Two Hundred Years Together can serve as the first baby steps to cross the psychological Rubicon. But neither Solzhenitsyn nor Quinn nor the commenters of The Unz Review or Counter-Currents have crossed it. Only those who have already transvalued their values have crossed it.

What helps to finish crossing it are the texts that I collected in the Daybreak Press books. If I finish my series on Game of Thrones perhaps I will include it in my next anti-feminist book, which will supplement what was said in those books.

In short, if you have dealings with normies, do mention those two books by the famous Russian author. But if you already have dealings with white nationalists, it is best to point out the books that I have edited, so that they can go straight ahead to the other side of the river.

6 replies on “Two Hundred Years Together”

Some time ago, I realized that the reason why the Anglo-saxon was so resentful against Germany and any other European nation (i.e Ireland) was because the anglo does not have a culture or legends of its own.

The Welsh have King Arthur. Ireland has its rich and preserved Celtic history. Scotland too. The anglo has nothing left.

Even Tolkien was resentful about this, and as a good catholic, he took the pagan myths he liked from other cultures and fused it together with a Judeo-Christian narrative in hopes to give the rootless whites a background.

That is why anglos believe they are Yahwe’s chosen people too, because they have nothing left. This makes them jealous and hateful. And will destroy anyone else who do have an identity, and thus true pride of being who they are. This is funny, since, as Paula Hitler pointed out once:

“On the one hand the Englishman’s character is essentially unfair, ruled by jealousy, self-importance, and lack of consideration. But he never forgets he is an Englishman, ”

That is why the USA and UK are the main responsibles of white genocide today. The inconsiderate anglo spirit whishes to take all the whites to the clift with him.

Are you by chance excluding Beowulf and the legends of Weyland? Neither story comes out of xtian tradition. Whatever influence they acquired due to xtian redaction amounts to less than the Semitic influence in the Irish legends you mention [such as the Lebor Gabala Erenn] wherein the very beginning starts with a retelling of B’ereshith.

If any white people lack myths of their own, that would be the Slavs. They literally had to make up entirely fake myths by scribbling ahistorical nonsense on a bunch of boards to have a “book” of their own. Not a single story lingers of the Slavic Gods–only their names and attributes.

Beowulf and Weyland are Scandinavian myths that just happened to be recorded on an anglo saxon scripture.

Tolkien said so himself, the anglo has no culture/myths behind. That is why he created his LOTR narrative in hopes to change that.

This makes the anglo hateful and jealous. That is why they get along so well with Jews.

“Beowulf and Weyland are Scandinavian myths that just happened to be recorded on an anglo saxon scripture.”

You seem to be ignorant of the fact that the Anglo-saxons were from the very border of Scandinavia and Germany. As one should expect, the myths of closely related folks are not a sign of one story was taken from another folk but rather an inheritance from the Urvolkstum. After all, the story of Weyland in England is a bit different than its Norse cognate, Völundr, let alone the German variant.

“Tolkien said so himself, the anglo has no culture/myths behind.”

Tolkien is a very bad source of information. If he could not understand what the word “Aryan” meant in the scientific-anthropological sense then what use is he to us here? Try reading his response to German authorities when he was asked of his purity. If you ask me, he was just a salty reactionary incapable of genuine thought. So much for moaning over the loss of the forest when said forest was better cultivated by “cad Hitler” as he called Adolf the Great once. I personally could not stop laughing when I found out that he was basically a Proto-Antifa with his belief in “Anarcho-Monarchy”.

“You seem to be ignorant of the fact that the Anglo-saxons were from the very border of Scandinavia and Germany.”

Still, none of those legends are related to anglos. Beowulf was from Götaland, Sweden and Wayland is of Finnish origin.

To try to discredit Tolkien on this matter by attacking his character is just ridiculous, but typical behavior of the eternal cultureless anglo.

“Weyland is of Finnish origin.”


“To try to discredit Tolkien on this matter by attacking his character is just ridiculous, but typical behavior of the eternal cultureless anglo.”

Are you French?

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