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Islam Women

‘Islam is right about women’

To understand why this meme is making NPCs mad watch what Black Pigeon Speaks said a month ago or what Eli Harman said last Sunday (especially in the first two minutes of his video).

3 replies on “‘Islam is right about women’”

In The Origins of Christianity (1994), Revilo P. Oliver ponders at the minor ways in which Zoroastrianism is different from Christianity – although both creeds are universalist poison, the former gave women nominal equality, whereas early Christianity played with the idea that women have no soul (later Islamic hurries are sex bots). The irony may be that women have enjoyed being considered a sin under Christianity, as he puts it…

Is that bad? Oliver is a bit like you, a bit like the Spartans and NS that strove to create a balanced society where women would be reasonably equal and healthy. But can we afford it? The Century of the Great Betrayal showed time and time again that women are wretched creatures that deserve no pity.

The great feminist experiment clearly shows that the pendulum should swing radically to the yang. We don’t need to hate sex like the perverted Jew does – we just need to beat the foids into submission, and to execute both the cucks and the degenerate chads. (Being an incel is a badge of honour in the current society – most incels would be perfect healthy normies a few centuries ago).

On a related note, that feminist experiment is as ugly as if we cloned children and put them in healthy or homosexual families to determine whether homosexuality is environmental or genetic. But we have done something comparable with women – and they have betrayed every single country (even Croatia, even China).

Being an incel is a badge of honour in the current society – most incels would be perfect healthy normies a few centuries ago.

At last someone speaks out sanity.

Islam is right about women.
It should be understood that this is an intrinsically false statement. The implication to feminist females is that you won’t like living in an islamically dominated society which deluded western politicians seem to be bent on creating.

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