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Axiology Jesus


by Goebbels Hub

Pathetic faggot Pope Francis imitating
his pathetic faggot leader (((Jesus))).

If you’re a Christian
you’re a pathetic faggot too.

4 replies on “Mini-jesus”

Watch out for the toe jam. Pope Francis is far from being a Christian. And, why the denigration of Christianity when it is the religion the Judaics hate above all others?

Poland should take in groids IF they are Xian, but they don’t? So they’re bad Xians? Is Orban an evil Xian too? He even fought Sauron!

NB. Didn’t the Jesus Character fight the “Synagogue of Satan”? Two millenia ago! What a Nazi!

ALL Xians are BY DEFINITION “anti-semetic” because X was “anti-semetic” (and murdered for it) all Xians (should) consider ALL J anti-Xian because they are “X-killers”

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