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Unz commenter, 6

“After WWII, Jewish anti-white propaganda on the radio, TV, in newspapers, and movies, has conditioned whites to be like that… And it only took a few decades, while they were soaking up all this propaganda they were proportionally losing their Christian values. Up until WWI, whites correctly saw themselves as the ubermenschen.” 

This is an historically ignorant narrative; a conspiracy theory that regards whites as easily manipulated fools who are not morally responsible for their own actions.

The fact is, American whites amended their Constitution to make negroes the legal equals of themselves by giving them citizenship and the vote in the 1860s, long before there was TV, radio, or movies, and at a time when the United States was virtually 100% white and Christian. Nor, despite the obviously disastrous results, have they ever made any move to reverse course and repeal those amendments. This is another characteristic behavior of Christians that has a long history: when faith and reality conflict, it is almost always faith that wins out with them, not reality.

U.S. entry into WWII on the Bolshevik (i.e., anti-white) side was yet another instance of its commitment to racial equality. Far from regarding themselves as a master race, much American war propaganda cast derision on the very idea of a master race, let alone that American whites, the majority of whom were themselves of German ancestry, were members of it.