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Chess WDH radio show

Boring team White!

Further to my today’s post ‘WDH radio nuked’ and also to my yesterday’s chess metaphor. Commenting about today’s chess game of the World Chess Championship 2018, grandmaster Peter Svidler (pic below), after 2:32 of this video said:

It is extremely dispiriting to have what has been happening in this match, happen day after day after day. [He has in mind the 9 draws in a row since the match started.] You show with White [chess pieces]; you go absolutely nowhere, you go home. At some point, to me, that would have been kind of soul destroying.

Following my yesterday’s metaphor of ‘Team White vs. team Jew’, I would say that I find the following Normie, Alt-Lite, Alt-Right and White Nationalist internet sites extremely dispiriting and even soul destroying!:

American Renaissance

Black Pigeon Speaks [Youtube]

Black Pilled [Youtube]

Breitbart News [Normie]

Brother Nathanael

Chateau Heartiste

Counter-Currents Publishing

Daily Stormer

David Duke

Gates of Vienna [Gates of Tel Aviv]

Infowars [Normie]

Jean-Francois Gariépy [Youtube]

(((Lauren Southern))) [Youtube]


Mark Collett [Youtube]

Mark Steyn [Normie]

Millennial Woes [Youtube]

Occidental Dissent

Occidental Observer (The)

Political Cesspool (The)

Quillette [Normie]

Radio Free Northwest (*)

RamZPaul [Youtube]

Reddit (Debate the Alt-Right)

Red Ice TV

Richard Spencer Podcast (The)

Right Stuff (The)

Roosh V

Stark Truth With Robert Stark (The) [Alt Left]

(((Stefan Molyneux))) [Alt Lite – Youtube]

Steve Sailer

Styxhexenhammer666 [Alt Lite – Youtube]

Taki’s Magazine

Tara McCarthy [Youtube]

Trad News [Cuck News]

Unz Review

Way of the World [Cuck] (Youtube)


The common denominator of these sites is that they are reactionaries, not revolutionaries. (In the case of Radio Free Northwest, marked with an asterisk above, the introduction of female voices strikes me as un-revolutionary.)

I propose to create a truly revolutionary radio show on BitChute. It is easy not to break First Amendment limits (like inciting immediate violence against X or Y persons). A regular podcast that contrasts sharply with the above Boring Team White is already crying, as the first breaths of fresh air, to be born.

Any volunteers?