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Team White vs. team Jew

I would like to answer what commenter Highrpm posted in my previous post, ‘The bondage of groupthink’, with a whole new entry.

The problem, Highrpm, is that not every single nationalist was so badly mistreated by his parents. Why do white nationalist Christians are still addicted to their Jewish drug? Because of the bondage of societal groupthink, that ultimately is intellectual cowardice pure and simple. Aryans could win the Team White game vs. Team Jew easily, yet they chose rather timid moves, such as the moves chosen by the Alt-Right on the board of life.

Yesterday, Fabiano Caruana, born to Italian parents, could have beaten Magnus Carlsen in game 8 of the World Chess Championship 2018. Below, the position after 23…Bd6.

Caruana, playing White, could continue a promising attack with 24. Nc4 or 24. Qh5. However, he played the timid 24. h3?! which was too slow and allowed Black to mount an effective defence beginning with 24…Qe8! The game ended in a mere draw. Nationalists love to play timid 24. h3?! moves in real life. Instead, I would go for the killing with 24. Nc4! (see the whole game beautifully explained by Daniel King: here).

Incidentally, as a result of a single tournament that I played the last decade, I obtained an international chess rating of 2109 (Magnus Carlsen, the world champion, has 2835). Any nationalist willing to play chess with me online…?