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Linder quote

Christians will always put Christ above their race-soul. Or as Alex Linder put it: “Christian or white man. You can’t be both.”

3 replies on “Linder quote”

Linder would do well to study Christian Identity so that he could understand that Pauline Christianity perverted the original truth of the White Man as Adam’s kin by identifying ‘salvation’ as a universal tonic for sin.
The supposition that ALL ‘Christianity’ is false disavows the Bible as a genuine asset to determine our origin. Genesis further aligns with many aspects of mythology that speaks of the creation of our people.
By disavowing Genesis and demeaning Christianity we alienate the very majority that could make our understanding of Hitler’s philosophy relevant to our survival.
Our actual goal should be to combine ‘Hitlerism’ with the Christian Identity conception of White Man as Jehovah’ s own. Once a plurality of Christian America accepted such a proposition our movement would be unstoppable!
The White Man as Jehovah’s children and Hitler as our modern expositor of racial salvation is the key to political success and biological immutability.

Pauline Christianity perverted the original truth of the White Man as Adam’s kin…

If I had a penny for every time I heard a Christ-tard use this cheap argument, and of course if you were to teach this to children, not only would you be outright and knowingly lying to them but they would ask what the evidence is or has ever been to even suggest that the bible both OT and NT are for Aryan consumption or refer to whites rather than Jews. after that question you are kind of fucked.

the supposition that ALL ‘Christianity’ is false disavows the Bible as a genuine asset to determine our origins.

You sound as ridiculous and childish as a slobbering nigger proclaiming ‘WE WUZ KANGZ!’ though in your case it is ‘WE WUZ CRUSADERZ!’ If you Alt-Righters really want to know where Aryans come from either go on Europa Soberana or see the link in this blog: ‘Gens Alba Conservanda Est.’ But of course you WNs would rather jerk off to some Levantine desert religion which is so obviously one of the biggest factors in our races decline. it hurts.
Was the emancipation of women not the first thing it advocated for when it got it’s spider legs into Rome?

Once a plurality of Christian America accepted such a proposition our movement would be unstoppable!

Hence, your ‘movement’ has been doing this for about a quarter of a century, and all that has come from it is constant memeing and whining about how the honest nationalist waving swastikas make you all look bad. not actual fighting. Pathetic.
To conclude, I will just say that there is nothing suggesting the bible was made by whites is there? If there is I am happy to see it.
Check these out: Romans 10:19-13, John 3:1-5, Isaiah 65:25, Judges 19:22.

There is no evidence that mankind was created by any personal god who holds humanity with a special importance. Or that the likes of Moses ever existed.

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