The Western psyche has been neutralised after hundreds of years of universalist indoctrination by the Christian churches (‘We’re all one in Christ’)… The core belief of colour blind Christianity is to bring salvation to all tribes. Nation is irrelevant, salvation in Jesus is everything. Marxism preaches the same messianic nation-wrecking ideology.
22 replies on “Neutralised”
When Yeshu had finished his words, he took Yehuda aside. “Ye alone know that on the day of the Passover, the Son of man will be betrayed and crucified as the blood sacrifice to the Mikdash. Because you are a learned man of the Mikdash, knowing well its law and customs, you were chosen to betray me to the Sanhedrin.
“Among the twelve, ye alone have the wisdom to finesse the court to advantage without betraying our purpose. Should this be discovered most assuredly the Sanhedrin would destroy us in some meaningless manner. It is critical that I am to be betrayed in a specific manner so that I may be tried for heresy, therefore fulfilling our plan.”
“But master, how is it you can be assured of a crucifixion as the blood sacrifice? How is it they might not murder you on the way or before the court”
“Worry not of these matters, as our Essene brethren will make it so. The Sanhedrin needs to make an example to other aspiring Mashiach. They need a public spectacle to satisfy their blood lust. The crucifixion of the Son of man will feed their lust.”
“Master what will become of us? What about the other disciples, will they be able to carry on your work?”
“The disciples? They will carry the story to the Mikdash faithful of how I served as the final blood sacrifice, how the kohanim crucified one of their own and by doing so fulfilled Mikdash law. This will create a schism among the faithful in questioning rightness of the law, a schism from which the kohanim will not recover. It is this schism that will create warring factions among the kohanim and its faithful and these factions will destroy the Mikdash.
“In time, the Son of Man will have more disciples then there are stars in the sky. Yet like the other eleven, these disciples will have learned nothing, they will remain asleep, slaves to their desires. As men have always done, they will argue among themselves points of meaningless minutiae smaller than a mustard seed, even as they miss the mountain of truth towering above. They cannot even imagine the vast expanse of their spiritual desert because they are wholly engrossed in its grains of sand.
“Like the kohanim, they will complain about the mote obscuring their neighbor’s eye, while ignoring the log obstructing their own vision. These disciples are no different from other men and in this condition, they will do what men have always done.
When I am gone, they will seek power and their own aggrandizement. They will one day deify my name and use this focus to elevate the Son of Man’s name to that of YHVH while ignoring the truths of his teachings. They will never understand the body is inconsequential, only the words are of lasting importance.
“They will enrich themselves in my name, singing praises to my name when it serves their needs and yet deny me in the same manner. They will tell stories of how, as children, I took them in my arms and blessed them. They will misuse my words to persuade others they achieved special dispensation from me; that they were chosen because of this, when in fact I never chose them because they were the most ordinary of men.
They will weave fantastic tales about their steadfast devotion and staunch alliance and sing praises of those who perish in my name, all the while asking for greater tithe.
“And in time, they will once again strive to achieve what I have undone here. They will form hierarchies with their levels of power and create vast structures with all the false majesty and grandeur inherent to all priesthoods. They will replace my words with piety.
While the Mikdash and its kohanim will disappear, nothing will change in the hearts of men. They will go on doing as they have always done. They will use my name as they have always used their god’s name, as a means of empowering and enriching themselves.
“They will build empires invoking my name. In truth, I will have simply provided these charlatans another lifeless vessel in which they might store up their gold. Yet the real gold will be lost, discarded because they fail to recognize its value. Men will never find truth has long as they are blinded by their desire to possess the material world. Can you not see this as the future of man, even as it defines his past?”
Yehuda fell silent, lost in words he could scarcely understand.
Come on: don’t post entire essays below short entries (and by the by, Jesus mostly is a fictional figure).
You no doubt mistake me for a Christian – I am not. This not an “essay”, it is an excerpt from the final chapter of “The Conspiracy of Man.” I had written this description shortly before seeing your entry and thought it perfectly fitting to what you had posted, as this is Yeshu’s description of what will occur after he is gone.
When one accepts the idea that Jesus was a myth, one is buying into a Jewish lie far more egregious than their Hallowedhoax. Jesus did exist and he did do what is described in the gospels, but the story has been grossly misinterpreted and twisted to a point where all meaning has been lost.
Ask yourself, would Jews hate a fictional character with such vehemence? Jesus and Hitler are the two most hated men in Jewish history. Only a fool might believe Jews would maintain such vicious hatred for a fictional character for more than two millennia, to the point of creating a special place in their underworld for him.
The reason for this hate is that both Jesus and Hitler attacked the Jews primary system of revenue collection, i.e. the Temple, a system that Jews later morphed into the secular central bank with money replacing god as the controlling factor. The bank was the system Hitler attacked by removing Jewish banker’s influence over Germany. To elite Jews knowing the reality behind the Biblical myths, Jesus and Hitler are one in the same.
The only way to finish the Judaism and her two ugly daughters is to expose the truth behind them. That is what my book does, it strips away the magical mumbo-jumbo to expose the reality behind the myths and lies.
It exposes the fact that the Bible is cook book of recipes for extracting wealth and power from people and for that reason, still maintains its relevance in modern times. It explains how the Essene brought forth Jesus in a plot to bring down the Mikdash (Temple) supported by the Torah’s Levitical law.
It exposes Abraham as the criminal extortionist that is clear in the description. It explains the reason for such lessons being presented to elite priest initiates who passed the story only among themselves by word of mouth.
It exposes Jacob for the lying, duplicitous thief as described in the narrative. It exposes the Old Testament’s YHVH (god) as the high priest who ruled over the ancient tribes as the voice of YHVH. Like the man behind the curtain in The Wizard of Oz, the kohein gadol was the man behind the veil in the “holy of holies”. This is why ancient Jews argued, disobeyed and fought with their god YHVH.
Today, Jews are working hard to restore the Mikdash and its corrupt system as the symbolism of their triumph over Jesus’ efforts. If Jesus’ efforts to destroy Judaism’s cornerstone of corruption, the Temple, are to be truly fulfilled in these tumultuous times, then the religious “faithful” must know the truth and the detractors must cease denying him and the story behind him as fictitious and expose the truth of the matter.
Jesus was a renegade priest anointed into the priesthood by his cousin john during the Mikveh ceremony administered at the Jordan. He is clearly described as the “paschal lamb”, sacrificed on the day of Passover. An act that traditionally absolved Israel of all its sins for the year.
Jesus gave up his life as the final blood sacrifice of the sacrificial system that lived on sacrifice. Jesus’ sacrifice would “wash away” the sins of the Jews once and for all, negating need for further sacrifice to the Mikdash. Most of all, today’s “gentiles” must understand they have no place in this Jewish story, as is made clear by Jesus’ own words in Matthew 10 and 15
No: I didn’t mistake you for a Christian, but it looks like you are not familiar with the posts in this site on exegetical analyses on the NT, for instance this one.
“The reason for this hate is that both Jesus and Hitler attacked the Jews primary system of revenue collection, i.e. the Temple”
Why would an Aryan of the first century AD have attacked Jews at all? They barely started spreading their influence, and the Roman empire was getting ever more degenerate, suicidal and anti-White without their help.
What Aryan? I do not understand the concept presented here.
Even among the most radical people in this “pro-white” diaspora Christian morality still has a firm grip.
The group which I am a part of, AtomWaffen, is made up of those who are ready and willing to
what has to be done but even among them a handful still cling to Christianity without taking into account the effect it has on their psyche.forgive the “die”- I meant do and typically type these on a mobile phone which autocorrects every other word I say.
Ask them to come to this site and read the series on the criminal story of Christianity (a new chapter is coming today)!
Good to see you online today Cesar.
The first century Jewish historian Josephus is another source for Jesus. Although admittedly his account of Jesus as been redacted by Christians to support their religious convictions, he nonetheless provides critical information about the first century Judaism and how it related to early Christianity in his trilogy. Manetho also provided critical insight into Judaism.
Paul was an opportunist and had nothing to do with Jesus, outside using his name to achieve his own greedy end for assuming the Temple’s power and wealth. His recreation of the Temple in the form of a church was nothing more than reinventing the Temple system, with which he was intimately familiar, in his own image by replacing YHVH with Jesus.
The Catholic church was, (and yet remains) but a redacted form of the first century Temple, complete with sacrificial tithing and the use of language most followers could not understand, thus allowing priests to once again manipulate “God’s” word from a source only available to the elite priesthood.
Like most writers of his ilk, Hoffmann writes within confines laid out by the church. That is a mistake, much like referring to the Spielberg’s version of their sacred hallowedhoax in an effort to debunk that lie.
This is precisely my approach, a secular examination of what happened, sans all the magical mysticism of the story as overplayed by Christians.
There are four major issues invariably overlooked by such writers.
(1) Jesus was antithetical to Judaism and its Temple. Jesus was therefore the antidote to the Jew’s poisonous sacrificial system.
(2) Jesus’ own words clearly commanding his disciples to stay away from the gentiles.
Clearly Paul ignored this twice stated admonition to the disciples, illuminated more so by the fact Jesus would not even speak to the Canaanite woman!
(3) The gospel narration has nothing to do with anyone outside the Temple, as made clear by Jesus statement that he only came for Temple Jews, “The Lost Sheep of Israel”‘. Why “lost”? Because they followed a monstrous lie propagated by the Temple priests, thus Jews were (and are) lost to the truth.
Jews are now attempting to recast the story by framing Jesus’ troubles stemming from his opposition to Rome. They use Christian apologists like John Dominic Crossan and Bart D. Ehrman to propgate this lie. However, Jesus said,
Give Caesar his tribute. Does this sound oppositional to Rome? Then too, Pilate found Jesus innocent of any sedition against Rome, trying to exonerate him three times until finally washing his hands of the matter. After allowing the priests to have their way, they in turn crowed over their victory shouting, “His blood be on us, and on our children!” One only needs understand Romans borrowed money from the Temple at interest, to fully appreciate its influence over the Roman procurator.
(4) Jesus was an Essene. To understand Jesus and his mission, one must know about the people from whence he sprang. One must know Essene religious customs and beliefs. For example, the Essene were vegetarians that did not practice sacrifice, a custom to which they were wholly antithetical. Thus, they stood in diametric opposition to the Temple’s sacrificial system. According to Josephus, the Essene were one of the three major groups of Jews in first century Judea, yet how many Christians have ever heard of them? One only need look at the Jew’s actions against John Strugnell’s administration of the dead seas scrolls to understand why the Jews took over the project’s administration.
Jews were terrified at what the scrolls might have to say about the Essene. Not surprisingly, the scrolls have been translated in support of the standard Biblical story. As for the Essene, they have been relegated to a tiny group of religious zealots that confined themselves to a remote desert location to await the “end times.” Bull – shit. I have been studying these matters for more than twenty-five years. While I was unaware of the Jew’s influence at the time, I followed the Jew’s attack on John Strugnell and their usurpation of his magazine, Biblical Archeological Review (BAR). (((They))) wrote him completely out of the picture, as they do with everyone they perceive as a threat to their lies.
When one denies the existence of Jesus, they play into the Jew’s hand, for Jews would like nothing more than to convince the gullible goyim that their “Savior” and his salvation for them IS a myth. However, the truth behind his existence and his mission will destroy Judaism for all time. Jews know this, that is why they try every trick in their book to discredit the man. Once again, look at how (((they))) treat Hitler and compare it with their treatment of Jesus. Is it not obvious Jews are attacking the very same threat in the very same manner?
Hoffmann is a secular humanist who’s beyond the church box. Did you really read his article? You have written “Jesus’ own words…” when it’s impossible to know what he said.
You have also said: “Jesus was an Essene.” “When one denies the existence of Jesus…” Again it’s impossible to know who was the historical Jesus, if he existed. My guess is that you have not even read my most important posts about the gospels.
@ Cesar. Hoffman, I take it, is a pre-Vatican II Catholic like E. Michael Jones. Both very jew-wise. But Hoffman has ridiculed Christ as myth and astro-theology as explanations for the origins of Christianity without any reasoned argument. Tellingly, he also fails the Hitler Test.
R. Joseph Hoffmann (Oxford University) is a silly liberal as can be seen in his Facebook page (and yes: silly liberals hate Hitler and even Trump as Hofmann does), but what makes you think he’s Catholic?
Pardon, another Hoffman, Michael A. Hoffman II who wrote an interesting book “Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare” and others exposing the Talmud and White Slavery. But fails the Hitler Test.
@ Arch Stanton. You might read Revilo Oliver’s “The Jews Love Christianity”. Christ-Christianity have given jews a 2,000 year excuse to wail their eternal persecution dirge. And at the same time knowing that Christ-Christianity have poisoned healthy Aryan spirits. jews love Christianity.
Let me try again. Jesus (Yeshu) would be appalled at what has been done in his name. In the typical fashion of Jews, Saul usurped Jesus’ name, twisting his purpose completely out of its original context to empower and enrich his nascent Christian movement.
Saul inverted the meaning of Jesus’ message. See here for more information on how Jews invert cultures. Were Jesus to return, (and he won’t, at least in any form recognizable to Jews or Christians) he would set the record straight. Were that done, it would completely alter the world’s three major Judaic-based religions.
Foremost, it would expose the Jews for the horror they truly represent to humanity. (((They))) were the very same horror in the first century they are today. It was that horror Jesus worked to neutralize by exposing the truth behind Temple law and what it was doing to his people.
It was said during that time that a man worked one day to pay his rent, one day to pay his taxes (to Rome), and one day to feed his family. The rest went to the Temple. The Jews had a six day work week, so fully one half of their labor went to support the Temple in the form of sacrificial or “sin” taxes.
Does this sound familiar? Look at your tax statement. Roughly, your state taxes would represent Roman taxes and the Fed tax would represent Temple tithings. In fact, if you look at the Federal Reserve building you will see a simulacrum of the first century Temple.
How bad was it? This bad:
Note, this quote comes from another post of mine. For obvious reason, this information will not be found anywhere else.
Again, Jews do not hate mythical figures and Jews have hated Jesus with a passion (no pun intended) ever since he raised Lazarus and whipped the kollybistēs in their Temple.
@ Arch Stanton,
I doubt you are familiar with the quest of the historical Jesus. Ever since Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) published his book, honest NT exegetes have recognised that those who dared to write ‘lives of Jesus’ were merely projecting their own ideals. I myself did this when, immersed in a cult called Eschatology, I thought that Morton Smith’s scholarship on the historical Jesus was the right one. I didn’t know I was merely projecting my ideals onto some specific interpretation of the gospels (Smith’s Jesus the Magician).
I guess you have not read Hoffmann’s piece and that’s why you’ve missed the whole point (incidentally it’s unnecessary for you to post long quotes from your book unless you understand our POV).
It took me decades to see that projecting your ideals onto the gospel narrative was the norm, not only from my mind but from the mind of all those who venture to write a biography about the ‘historical’ Jesus. Jew-wise WNsts are not immune to such projection.
It was not until my late fifties that at last I comprehended that Hoffmann was right, even though Schweitzer discovered in his 1906 book the phenomenon of projection. The Quest of the Historical Jesus by the way is considered mandatory reading for all those interested in the (quixotic) quest of trying to find who the ‘real’ Jesus was.
I am not saying that your interpretation of the gospel narrative is wrong. Only that there is no way to corroborate it. The same with Morton Smith’s etc., however persuasive those interpretations may be.
What I wrote is not from my book, but a post to another individual to whom I was explaining my position. I base my work on archeological and cultural evidence and extrapolate what happened. It’s there for anyone caring to research the evidence.
Outside the use of his name and later appointed title, along with re-framing various tenets put forth in his ministry to fit their agenda, Christianity has nothing to do with Jesus. Therefore, it is a mistake to view them as one in the same.
Like Judaism, Christianity is pure Jewish bunkum. Saul/Paul shows no awareness of the Gospels anywhere in his writing. Nor does he show any knowledge of Jesus, he just met his spirit briefly while on the road to Damascus and became a “true believer”. Yet how many others have claimed religious revelation though such visions? How about Constantine? Visions were obviously a trendy thing in ancient times.
As I said, if for no other reason, the evidence for Jesus is overwhelming simply because of the Jew’s hatred for the man. Jews do not hate fictional characters. They reserve such vehement hatred for real-life individuals and groups that attack them, more so for those whom are successful. That hatred stems from Jesus’ actions that resulted in the downfall of the elite Jew’s sacrificial system.
Beyond that, the Gospels go the trouble of identifying him as an member of the Nazarene sect of Essene, a group that exists to this day. ( – naturally) Why would such minutiae be necessary for a fictional character, what purpose would it serve? They also go to the trouble of identifying his blood linage as that of David, therefore making him an eligible member for the priesthood.
Of course this is true for all the fictional characters of the Old Testament. However, those characters were created by the priesthood to serve a very real purpose in setting legal precedence for their law. Again, why such details for a fictional character oppositional to the Old Testament’s fictional characters? What purpose would it serve? People alive during the time of the Gospels would not have been fooled by such nonsense.
I did read Hoffmann’s piece and as I said, he remains within the conventional frame of mind that, since there is no “smoking gun” evidence, give up on the idea that Jesus existed. There are many such accounts, notably Is it Really God’s Word and <Forgery in Christianity by Joseph Wheless, of which I own copies. These books, written by a well versed lawyer, utterly destroy the Bible’s bullshit. Yet, while written in the 1930’s how much good have they done in convincing true believers?
One point on which we firmly agree is that Christianity is a problem, but then so is Judaism and Islam. Dealing with the Christian question does nothing towards dealing with the other two religions. Jesus is at the center of the question for Christianity and as such, deals with the Old Testament and its questions of law. Thus, his story naturally incorporates the other two religions.
The Jesus narrative is central to exposing the reality behind all three Judaic based religions. I show the Essene masters explaining the meaning behind the Old Testament’s teaching stories as setting legal precedence for the law. This is done by explaining the meaning of each story throughout the entire book of Genesis as it would have been understood by the priesthood initiates hearing them.
Read Chapter four of The Conspiracy of Man for the explanation behind the stories of Genesis. In Chapter five I show the incredibly byzantine structure of ancient Jewish law. There were actually 613 laws specifically addressing the details of the ancient Jew’s everyday life, not just ten commandments. The average Jew knows this while the average Christian does not.
Presently there are two sides to the religion argument. One is the “true believer” and the other is the atheist or agnostic viewpoint. The “true believer” cannot be swayed by the non-believer’s argument, while the non-believer simply dismisses the subject out of hand as nonsense, so what has happened? Is any progress being made by either side? I take a third way, i.e. acknowledge the true believer’s beliefs and then explain them in real world terms based on non-Biblical sources.
I talk to Christians all the time, Mormons, Catholics, Evangelicals, and they listen, at least for a while, because I talk about a subject near and dear to their hearts. Listening to me, they know I have an intimate understanding of the subject matter, because I speak of many things of which they were unaware.
One can be certain that dismissing the idea that Jesus existed merely receives the usual response, “poor soul, he just don’t understand Jesus is his lord and savior.” This is a response I never receive – ever. I understand Jesus in a manner far beyond current conventions, explaining in real world terms why Jesus isn’t my “lord” or “savior.” I can do this because I know what size sandal Jesus wore.
Originally I was going to write a scholarly treatise with footnotes and references. But then I realized it would only be read by a small audience of “experts ” that would pick the story apart over endless details of minutiae, how this reference has been discredited and how that source is questionable. Like the Sufi story of the little boy who takes apart a fly and then wonders what happened to it, nothing of original value would remain.
I wanted people to read the story, as opposed to a bunch of ivory tower, “experts”, so I wrote the book in the format of a novel, an area of literature I actually abhor and never read, but one in which the masses indulge themselves and that is exactly who I want reading my book. Read Chapter two of the book about the conception of Jesus and see if it fits modern reader mentality.
If you want to finish Christianity, then learn the truth behind their “Lord and Savior” and his mission, then tell everyone. And by all means, research the story yourself. I need all the help I can get.
I don’t believe that Jesus is a hundred percent fictional figure, only that most of the NT narratives, including most stories about Jesus, are fictional. So no one can authoritatively write about ‘Jesus’ as if his real life is knowledgeable.
Because the gospels had not been written when Paul started to write his epistles. The gospels are full of creative fiction (read the entries by Randel Helms in this site).
Again, there’s no way to ascertain who the ‘historical’ Jesus was from a couple of biographical figments amalgamated with literary fiction. You are talking as if you know who the historical Jesus was.
Bingo! This is exactly what Albert Schweitzer warned us about in his very influential book on NT studies. He says that the best way to gauge on the character of an individual is to write a life of Jesus—what I called ‘projection’ in my above comments; what Hoffmann calls the ‘Platonic fallacy’.
Nope. It’s you the one that should read what I have read in the 1980s: tons of literature about the studies of the quixotic quest on who the historical Jesus could have been. Schweitzer’s book is only the starting point but is very scholarly. I would recommend something that gives you the broad picture, even if the author is a Roman Catholic (Ian Wilson: here).
Great! Let me know when the approach you suggest actually has any influence on Christians, because in all the history of traditional debunking methods, I have yet to see any positive effect on altering Christian thinking. Once again, I suggest you at least scan through my work.
That said, I admire your work. You have excellent critical thinking skills, although sometimes influenced by preconceived notions and personal bias. Nonetheless, I read most of what you write and will buy your book when it becomes available. Your description of the Mesoamerican sacrifice awakened me to the fact that insanely bloody sacrifice is endemic in the human organism. The Mesoamericans clearly put Jews in the shade in this regard.
I do know who Jesus was because Jesus was a Jew, a Jew’s Jew, a member of the Temple priesthood, and I know the Jews. I know their history, their religion and culture. I know about their sacrificial system, the Tabernacle and Temple that supported it. I know about its history, how, when and why it was destroyed. Jesus was the only Jewish character that ever attacked the Temple. All the other “prophets” and “messiahs” and other notable Jewish characters supported it.
This is where Christians and others fall short, they don’t know the Jews. Jews addressing the subject, do so only to fulfill their agenda of discrediting and debunking Christianity as opposed to revealing any truth in matters regarding their religion.
That is the very reason I wrote the book. Show me other sources that come anywhere close to my descriptions. Might there be a reason for that? I used to know an old Jew that, when telling my stories, would frequently say, “you know my rabbi used to say things like that” – there’s a clue. Since there are no other references for acts like my account of the raising of Lazarus, how do you think I arrived at my conclusion? Simple I know the Jews and what they are capable of in such regards.
Consider this fact, there is absolutely no basis for the Torah/Tanak’s historicity. The Old Testament is pure historical myth. After all, the very word “Torah” has the double meaning of “law” and “instruction”, therefore by the Jew’s own definition, it is a book of legal instruction, not history. The Torah is a cook book of recipes for social control, yet it is commonly accepted as history by those professing its religion.
With all the debunking of Jesus, the Gospels and Christianity why don’t these great theological thinkers spend more time and effort debunking the Torah and the rest of the Old Testament instead of the Gospels? After all the Torah is the basis of Christianity, destroying it would destroy Christianity. Could the reason be the same reason so many great thinkers refuse to address the sacred Hallowedhoax? Is it simply too close to the Jew’s black heart?
The Old Testament is also full of myth. This is what I said in Day of Wrath:
In contrast to what the evangelicals were taught in Sunday school as children, Moses did not write the Torah—it was not written before the Persian period. In fact, the most sacred book of the Jews includes four different sources. Since the 17th century thinkers such as Spinoza and Hobbes had researched the origins of the Pentateuch, and the consensus of contemporary studies is that the final edition is dated by the 5th century B.C. (the biblical Moses, assuming that ever existed, would have lived in the 13th century B.C.).
5th century would be the time of the Babylonian exile, A point where Jews began construction of the second Temple, 521–516 BC (no evidence for the first Temple). However, the Temple of this period was little more than a shack in the outback.
The Torah was redacted during this time, when Ezra (the scribe) “restored” the “original” law from scrolls discovered in the musty backroom of a synagogue. Richard Friedman states in his book “Who Wrote the Bible?” that Ezra redacted the scrolls, effectively creating the first Torah.
According to the Talmud, Ezra was said to have enacted ten standing laws and orders, the first of which was a public reading of the scrolls on the Sabbath. It was at this point the Essene had a falling out with the priests, saying they created false teachings, diametrically counter to the original teachings.
More than 300 years later, in 167BC, during the time of the Seleucid Empire, the Hasmonean/Maccabees (“hammers”) led a revolt taking over Judaism, forcing conversion to their system. They upheld the redacted Torah stories (laws) to support their sacrificial system.
It was at this time construction began in earnest to create the Temple monstrosity that would be destroyed before being finished. Around 20 BC, when the priests finally wielded enough influence over the people ruled by Herod the Great, they used their power to form an alliance with the king. Conceding the dissolving of their Hasmonean dynasty, the priests pressured him into financing their Temple. It was then the Temple grew to its immense structural form.
Note the Temple was the largest structure in Judea, built on top of a “mountain”, it exceeded the dimensions of both Herod’s palaces and Roman structures. It consumed about a fifth of ancient Jerusalem’s land mass.
I cover this history in Chapter One.