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Civil war James Mason

Siege, 14

Removing All Options

For the Movement over the past twenty years there has always been the option of take it or leave it. If you got mad or discouraged you could always pickup your marbles and go home. Indeed this has been the case for all White America. And when given a choice, human nature inevitably takes the course of least resistance. The diabolic nature of the Big Brother System in power today may be largely responsible for breeding a race of docile “consumers” who roll over like a spaniel when kicked and otherwise outraged, but for us that is no reason, no excuse, for revolutionary inaction. It CAN be done!

They say a coward will allow himself to be bullied and backed up as long as there is room left for him to back up. All of White America has been behaving like a damned coward in the face of arrogant Blacks and traitors in government dismantling the once-great United States of America. Before it is too late, let’s see to it that the big coward at last gets backed into a corner so that he is going to have to come out fighting!

It’s a crying shame and disgrace that every incident that’s happened so far with only one or two exceptions, which even comes close to being revolutionary, has either happened as an accident or as the result of Red agitation. The riots recently in the South are excellent examples. We may thank our lucky stars that the Jews have whipped the Blacks into such a volatile state that they’ll go off at the drop of a hat. Some news accounts did mention roving pick-up trucks of Whites shooting Blacks at random in places where order had broken down. But the object is not to kill Blacks… it is to FAN THE FLAMES! If we can’t get the Whites off their asses to retake control of their destiny then we can at least put them in a position where they will have to fight for their miserable lives!

And with a general conflagration going on that will involve police and armed forces, we can, if we are slick about it, assume the guiding position amidst the disorder and coordinate it into what it must become: a revolution to smash the System!

The way things are so delicately arranged in this country today, incidents like the one in Miami and elsewhere can be expected to blow up anytime, anywhere. They said some White cops in Miami beat a Black to death and because these cops got off the charge, the Blacks of Miami went wild. If the Movement had been organized and on the ball, those flames would still be burning. How about six such “Miami’s” at once across the country? Or a DOZEN? Enough to pin down all the System’s troops to allow us to go after Big Brother himself!

If, as Rockwell said, your uniform in the coming war is the color of your skin, then what, I ask, shall be your insignia of rank? We must view and realize that ALL OF WHITE AMERICA is our army. The leaders, the officers in this army, are those who take action and who strike like lightning. We are the cause, they are the effect.

Vol. IX, #4 – August, 1980

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3 replies on “Siege, 14”

“then we can at least put them in a position where they will have to fight for their miserable lives!”

The trend of events will do that as this century progresses but my guess is the white masses will just let themselves be slaughtered like cattle rather than fight. Whites are in the position where they have to fight in South Africa and there are still liberal Whites who refuse to face reality there.

If Europeans today want to find out who their most dangerous enemy is, all they have to do is to look in the mirror. Bad breeding and bad upbringing have produced a weak, cowardly, docile and degenerate population that doesn’t have the will to survive, most of them don’t even care about surviving or about the future of the next generations….

The Jews and their collaborators get away with the things they are doing because people allow them….

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