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Free speech / association

On Hillary

At Facebook Todd Ojala asked me: “Do you think that
defeating Hillary Clinton is important?” I replied:

Well yes. I am extremely concerned that the witch will start messing with the Second Amendment (and probably the First too).

After the dollar crashes in this decade white Americans will change from “Happy mode” to “Angry mode”. Unfortunately, Angry mode is not enough for revolutionary action. We will need “Combat mode” and ultimately “Killing mode”. American whites need time to digest the white nationalist literature that will become fashionable after the crash.

But if Hillary introduces hate speech laws and starts confiscating weapons after blacks chimp out while whites defend their property, I’m not sure there will be enough time for the gradual unfoldment of a pro-white revolutionary mindset. It will just be utter chaos.

A Trump presidency on the other hand, with those two Amendments unmolested, would give whites a pause to rethink things over for some years, perhaps enough for a White Awakening in a world where the dollar will lose its international status.