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Johnson & nordicism

In his latest article, “Who are We? Nordics, Aryans, & Whites” Greg Johnson said:

Imagine, for instance, the feelings of a Greek or Italian American toward William Pierce’s National Alliance if he read Pierce’s Who We Are, in which he laments that the Nordic invaders of Greece mongrelized themselves with the indigenous European populations rather than exterminating them to keep their blood pure—an exterminationist agenda that he envisioned for the future in The Turner Diaries. Such attitudes follow logically from the premise that Nordics are the only authentic Europeans, which implies that non-Nordics are lesser men.

So here we go again. The important thing is avoid hurting the feelings on non-Aryans, not the preservation of Nordish whites like Johnson himself!

In the comments section Johnson said about Arthur Kemp’s March of the Titans: “It is one of the dumbest books I have ever read.” And that “There is no evidence that Rome fell due to race-mixing.” But Rome and Greece fell precisely because they mixed their blood with non-whites, as can be seen not only in March of the Titans and Pierce’s Who We Are but in a couple of articles that I translated (here and here).

Johnson also said that the Portuguese’s mixing their blood with negroes had nothing to do with the decline of their empire—ignoring the fact that today’s Portuguese have lower IQs precisely because those negro genes! (here).

(Incidentally, I have noticed that American white nationalists are utterly ignorant of the history of the Iberians, including what the Spaniards and the Portuguese did with their blood in the Americas—sans Jews.)

Johnson’s outburst today in the comments section of his webzine is the sort of thing that moves me to keep a healthy distance from white nationalism, which I consider phony from the viewpoint of a priest of the fourteen words.

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