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Day of Wrath (book)


Note of June, 2017: This old edition is now unavailable from Lulu Inc., or even in PDF form.

product_thumbnailThe present collection of my miscellaneous writings is so diverse that I decided simply to order it by size. The first article, “The Return of Quetzalcoatl” is actually a translation from Spanish of a long chapter within Hojas Susurrantes, a translation which comprises more than half of the present book. The rest, much shorter articles also ordered by size, are edited versions of original texts that I authored and that originally appeared in the blogsite The West’s Darkest Hour. I am not including the dates of the original drafts because the editing process, sometimes after years of writing them, moved me to modify the ideological content of some articles. For all practical purposes the publishing date of most articles is 2014. The exception of course is my Quetzalcoatl, a study on child abuse that I finished in 2007, a few years before I became familiar with the pro-white literature. Since the Quetzalcoatl is a “book” within a larger book that still has to be translated, here I include brief notes inside brackets to explain some sentences.

The compilation in Day of Wrath is a sister companion to my longer compilation of several pro-white authors and bloggers in The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour. The free, online PDFs of both texts is meant to be downloaded in the homely computers of those who fear that the anti-white regimes will eventually censor the internet.