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Northwest Front’s “Nordicism” debate



Skin colors according to von Luschan’s chromatic scale


These days, in the most revolutionary blogsite of the white nationalist movement, Harold Covington’s Northwest Front, some commenters—though not all!—have been practicing the most abject form of politically correctness: telling silly things about who is white in order not to offend Mediterranean sensibilities:

the myth that south Europeans are mixed with Arabs and black moors is just a myth and disproven with genetics. [Chechar’s note: genetics actually proves otherwise]

…how you [Covington] have betrayed and insulted our glorious “comrades” in the Golden Dawn, dusky-hued and coal-black-haired though they may be?

I’m surprised you got sucked into the whole “Who Is White” thing? The Joos have been trying to use that shit for decades to get us spinning our wheels in an utterly unproductive and pointless and endless debate of the how many angels can dance on the head of a pin variety. [Chechar’s note: this is not a Byzantine discussion but the true ABC of racial studies]

Since you evidently absolutely must play the Jewish game of “who is White?”, a question answerable only on an individual and not national or ethnic basis… [Chechar’s note: this revolutionary guy sounds like a deranged leftist: “whiteness is a social construct”]

The thing is, this “who is White?” question is insoluble because it is a matter of opinion not susceptible to factual quantification. [Chechar’s note: And it is also a matter of opinion to declare who’s a spic, a yellow, a redskin or a nigger; never trust your eyes! Forget the Felix von Kuschan scale of skin color above!]

The issue of Greece isn’t their “whiteness”. They are an Aryan subrace to be exact.

Exactly. One wonders why Peter Jackson did not hire modern Greeks for the hyper-Nordic characters of Lord of the Rings. What about hiring Turks for the coming films of the Hobbit? A saner Northwest Front commenter said, “Those among us who don’t have the ability to look at a picture of half-Turks and tell they’re not White weren’t ever going to amount to anything on behalf of the White race.”

The other idiots ignore that with current technology DNA tests have even revealed nigger genes among, say, quite a few of the Portuguese (see, e.g., here). No wonder why Portugal, after conquering large parts of America when they were genetically unpolluted, is now the poorest country in Western Europe; and due to their race-mixing through the millennia, the Greeks have an even lower IQ. See William Pierce’s “A 5% decline in average IQ would cause our civilization to collapse.”

This does not contradict the fact that today the worst white traitors, eunuchs and what I have been calling Body-snatched Pods in this blog are precisely the Aryans of the North. These grotesque creatures won’t be real men again until they undemonize Hitler and his NS movement.