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Free speech / association

Relief valve

TOOSince The Occidental Observer (TOO) has just closed all comments in all threads, the idea has occurred to me that, starting tomorrow, I might repost the coming TOO articles in the Addendum to the West’s Darkest Hour.

Reposting those articles there would work like a relief valve for those willing to compliment, or take issue, with TOO’s authors.

Of course: when TOO accepts comments again I will stop reposting.


17 replies on “Relief valve”

I too agree that this is a good idea, Chechar. By all means post the articles here for discussion. Also, it might attract more readership to your blog. l

Well. As soon as Dr Kevin adds the next article I will repost it at WDH’s Addenda.

I have just moved the widget “FOLLOW BLOG VIA EMAIL” at the top of the Addenda so that those interested in the coming TOO articles may receive notice that a new TOO article has been added without the need of visiting my page.

I confess I miss those commenters at TOO. After I got a upset with Greg at Counter-Currents when he didn’t let pass my mild criticism of Russia’s pet intellectual (I was so furious that I even wrote a cathartic note in my longhand diary) the only pals whom I liked to debate were the TOO commenters.

OK guys: see you all there soon…

Good Idea. I understand why they cut off the comments, as I think the cognitive dissonance trolls we’re hitting TOO really hard, and the admins found it too much to moderate.

Their is no one more poignant on the contemporary JQ than Kevin Mac, and his works should be discussed thoroughly.


You need to get Dr. MacDonald’s permission before reprinting the articles in his blog. His giving you permission two years ago to reprint one article does not constitute permission to reprint his blog now. And just because he is not responding to your email, that doesn’t make it OK either.It would be very disrespectful for you to re-post his blog without his permission.

That would be true for anyone but especially for a published scholar and professor like Dr. MacDonald.

I see your point. But since there are about three emails that Dr. MacDonald has not replied (one about our differences about biological psychiatry by the way), I cannot email him again.

I better delete the latest TOO repost in the Addendum and won’t add more TOO articles there.

Hope this is fair enough…

If he puts his stuff on the internet, how can he object if someone reposts it somewhere else? If that’s the case, why doesn’t he get the hell off the internet and publish a magazine?

What is he; some kind of a WN god? Oh! Musn’t touch his holiness!

I am not an official spokesman for Dr MacDonald. I don’t see any problem with AngloAmerikan’s suggestion of the first paragraph with a link. That would work.

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