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Hitler in English

Yesterday a terrific idea occurred to me: Why not translate all of Hitler’s public speeches with the voice of an English speaker whose native language is English, and upload them to the Internet, adding subtitles so that his message is clear and transparent?

When speaking a couple of days ago about Miguel Serrano we hinted that, in addition to an exoteric Hitlerism, there is an esoteric Hitlerism: the latter, what we try on this site. But normies need exoteric Hitlerism (esoteric Hitlerism was only for the SS, or the few initiates in 21st century NS). And what better than the words of the Führer himself dubbed into English?

If it were possible to do so, I think it would be a great emotional bomb for listeners, who have never heard Uncle Adolf in his own words (only through the filter of malicious Allied propaganda).

But to carry out this idea, a team is required. My native language is neither German nor English. The equipment would require at least one native English speaker with a clear voice, as well as a technician who synchronizes the recording with the image as is done in movies: practically the work of a film studio.

Although it would be laborious and perhaps expensive, the result would be very impressive, and I suppose that a huge number of English speakers would visit that channel to hear Uncle Adolf’s message for the first time in their lives.

Exoteric Hitlerism is for the masses!

5 replies on “Hitler in English”

If we have the availability of a film studio to spread Herr Hitler’s voice, we wouldn’t even be in the trouble we are now!

Aw, how right was Oliver Revilo when he said that jews always spend tons of money for their own preservation, unlike the stupid, individualized Aryans.

If you are in a budget, you could try this text to voice generator web service.


It may sound a bit robotic, but it is good enough for any normie to listen to, and they wouldn’t hear the difference.

I was going to suggest if you could contact some of the most high in traffic racialists web sites and see if they will allow you to publish there.

Although, being honest, I doubt their sites can reach normies at all since most private internet providers have them block from the networku ( courtesy of the antiDefamation league and other jewish organizations).

…unlike the stupid, individualized Aryans.

It would be a little more accurate to say: ‘unlike the stupid Christians and neo-Christians…’

In times of healthy Spartans and republican Romans, the Aryan man was neither atomised nor individualised. That was Christian heritage with this thing that you can condemn yourself eternally, while your brother be saved.

The French Encyclopedia broke with Christian dogmas, but not with this conception of the human soul. So the modern Westerner is still an atomised though secular version of this inversion of values: from understanding oneself as a Volk, to understanding oneself as a mere individual.

Parts of his speeches have been translated using AI and posted on Youtube. The result wasn’t impressive.

Having a human speaker reenact the Führer’s speeches with the same tone/pitch, same timbre and same volume, but in clear British English without any trace of German accent, well, that would be an impressive, colossal work of voice acting. Add in grainy effects to emulate a 1930’s recording equipment, and you got a solid piece of propaganda.

We need juicy donations that will allow us to set up our own study to publicise exoteric Hitlerism…

I know the Manifest Destiny podcast was discussing Mein Kampf. But as I’ve said: that book was a bestseller in Germany in the 1930s that very few Germans actually read. If you want to make contact with the Aryan collective unconscious, you must have the spoken word, the talented orator.

Alex Linder once said something that pleased me: that the only worthwhile article published in Counter-Currents was a piece by Andrew Hamilton in which he spoke precisely about the power of oratory, and Hamilton mentioned Uncle Adolf.

Herr Caesar, I would like to add something.

The power of oratory to dominate the normies is amazing and that’s something the Christians have a full mastery of.

I was talking to a family member about how Christian preachers are often rich by knowing how to dominate the public through lip service. They preach the word of the god of the jews and stupid people drop money at them like crazy.

It doesn’t matter if what they say makes sense or not, if it makes them feel good, they accept it.

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