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Holocaust Salvador Borrego

On Allied criminals, 5

Editor’s note: This is a translation, from Spanish to English, of a passage from Alemania Pudo Vencer by Salvador Borrego:


At the end of 1944, the Soviets entered the Auschwitz concentration camp, where they found no gas chambers, and captured the archives with the documentation of what had happened there during its five years of existence. And, remarkably, Stalin said nothing—neither then nor later—about the millions of dead denounced years later as the ‘Holocaust’. The same is true of Winston Churchill, Roosevelt, Truman and Pope Pius XII, who never mentioned the ‘six million’. Were they all Nazi cover-ups?

According to the famous ‘Nazi hunter’ Simon Wiesenthal, the National Socialists burned 6 million Jews and 5 million more of other races. On this, the Canadian crematorium specialist Ivan Lagace did a study and concluded that it could not be calculated how many centuries it would take to burn 11 million people.

Regardless of the above, a trial in which the accusers are both judges and executioners, as was the case with Wisenthal and company, is never and nowhere in the world considered lawful. This irregularity is one of the reasons why there are more and more doubts about the alleged dogma of the ‘six million’. Another reason is that different figures are being bandied about. For fifty years there was talk of four million dead in Auschwitz, and then suddenly the figure dropped to 1.5.

Moreover, it is the only subject in history that is forbidden to investigate. The ‘deniers’ from various countries note: ‘You can freely discuss whether or not Christ was the Son of God, whether he raised the dead or made the deaf hear, whether or not the Virgin Mary had more children, but never doubt the Holocaust!’

4 replies on “On Allied criminals, 5”

“Moreover, it is the only subject in history that is forbidden to investigate.”

THAT is the reason that I know that the holocaust narrative is BS. For many years I honestly didn’t give it much thought. I figured it was war and things happen during war. Besides they weren’t my people so why should I care anyway? It’s when I became more politically active/aware that the whole thing became annoying because way too many “Pro-Whites” were Philosemites (many SA Whites are Calvinists) and the “poor holy persecuted jews” nonsense was beyond the pale. It’s when someone mentioned that questioning the holocaust was illegal I knew I was being lied to. There is a saying: “The truth is like a lion, set it free and it will defend itself.” Only a lie needs laws to defend it. That one simple fact is all anyone should really need. If they want to go through all the forensics hoops though be my guest.

Although, as I have said before, this presents the virulent exterminationist with a dilemma. “If the Nazis didn’t kill millions of Jews, why idolise them?”

Quite independently of the figures (I think the 6 million is very exaggerated) it is clear that if in continental Europe you cannot honestly study the so-called holocaust because they put you in jail, this is, for now, the fundamental fact because the totalitarian world we live in doesn’t even let you speak.

How many Jews do you think were killed? 2 million, perhaps? Then there are all the other groups they are said to have exterminated, or were planning to exterminate. The so-called starvation plan for Russia, assuming it was genuine, would have killed tens of millions in a very excruciating manner. At least bullets get the job done quickly. Starvation is torture, as we know from Hellstorm.

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