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Mother’s mercy

‘Mother’s Mercy’ is the fifth season finale episode of HBO’s fantasy television series Game of Thrones, and the 50th overall. It was written by the series creators David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. In the episode we see how Tryion stays to rule Meereen with the mulatto couple that we see in this image, after their queen Dany fled the city on her dragon.

I have said that I don’t want to go into detail about Ramsay’s sadism. But at least the directors had the decorum not to put the camera in when he skinned his victims alive. In this episode, however, they did put the camera in a room where Arya empties Trant’s eyes in a brothel, before killing him. Of course, the Jewish directors frame the scene as legitimate revenge for Arya’s teacher being killed by Trent, that swordsman we saw in the first season (plus Trent was beating up some young prostitutes). But it is a scene that offends the viewer whose soul hasn’t been irreparably damaged by Hollywood.

What is most outrageous is that a lot of gentile fans loved the scene. This is verified simply by watching their reactions on YouTube when the episode premiered. And this scene appears in the season’s finale! Remember that the finales of each season were always the most anticipated since the producers would take a year to launch the next season.

It’s so disturbing that the perverted fandom of this series hadn’t repudiated it at this stage, that it’s not worth commenting further on the episode.

One reply on “Mother’s mercy”

Off Topic:

You said, C.T., that mankind are the devils upon the earth who torture innocent animals. Watch the trailer of Seaspiracy

If Rosenberg had won the war, the animal and plant kingdom would be far less tortured and exploited than it is today.

From a theist’s perspective: the argument from animal suffering is a powerful argument for atheism. Thus Christianity creates to a large extent the atheism of our times. Why are we breeding up an infinite number of subhumans, ‘anthropoid vermin,’—Revilo P. Oliver—life unworthy of life, as the National Socialists rightly said. You breed up unfit featherless bipeds, who, because they are unfit, can only suffer.

Nature tells us that human life is verminous. Semitism tells us that human life is sacred.

Nature tells us that the supply of human life exceeds the demand for it. Semitism tells you to breed up an infinite number of subhuman souls to praise Yahweh in Heaven.

People become atheists… and yet they usually cling to the notion that human life is sacred.

I want the best of white mankind to flourish. I want the best of white mankind to eventually become the benefactors of animal and plant life and not their destroyers and implacable persecutors.

It is the Semitic axiology, the notion of “image-bearing” and “souls of inestimable worth” that is fueling the population explosion and destruction of the natural world.

It is not just that the doctrines of orthodox Christianity are slightly wrong, slightly misguided and slightly mistaken… it is that they are diametrically opposite to the truth of the matter on many occasions… and cause huge destruction.

Christianity is not just a religion from the desert: it is a religion that creates deserts.

Acharya S.

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