Editors’ note: With this entry I am starting a new series collecting some aggregations from a commenter in The Unz Review webzine. He has a good grasp of what I have been calling ‘the Aryan problem’, which, in my opinion, is enabling the Jewish problem.
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‘It’s a red herring to single out the media, since American culture is itself relentlessly anti-white in its mindset. For what is anti-racist but anti-white? Reflecting the culture at large, the average white American is anti-racist to his core, and has been for a long time now. A white man being against racism is the same thing as him agreeing to the eventual extinction of his race, since it’s patently obvious that the white race won’t be preserved without conscious effort; i.e., without racism. Negroes have been equal to whites under the law for over a century and a half at this point. That is the ultimate in an “anti-white mindset”, and it was put into place when America was virtually 100% white and Christian. No corporate media was needed’.
Source: here. The full title of the webzine is: The Unz Review: An Alternative Media Selection (A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media).