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Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book)

Enemy number one

Apparently for most white nationalists our bicausal diagnosis is hairsplitting and, for all practical purposes, prefer to see the Jew as the main—some would even say the sole—factor of white decline. To challenge this view, a Stormfront commenter said recently:

Jews are the enemy #1? That sounds superficial. Why blame them for white decadence? We practically gave them power. I would say that the masses (esp. liberals, progressives, or whatever label they’re called these days) ought to be the #1 enemy. Christianity ought to be quite high up there as well, as a primary vehicle of white decadence for 2,000 years.

“We practically gave them power.” You can see in that Stormfront thread that other commenters lack this metaperspective, including one who wants to take Christianity off the hook. A woman even asked if the author of the above quote would leave Jews in her country!

In the table talks that I have been advertizing sometimes Hitler gives the impression that he criticizes Christianity more than Judaism. Does that mean that his Reich would allow Jews stay in Europe had he won the war? Of course not: the subversive tribe must be expelled from the West even if its members are not the primary etiology of white decline. White people are. See “On the white genocide meme.” This is a post chosen for the updated edition of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour, a book which is being translated to German in Ahnenreihe; sample of translated chapter: here. (Note of November 2016: My friend Richard withdrew his blog for fear of the thoughtpolice.)

In the comments sections I keep linking to The Fair Race because several visitors, especially Christians, try to discuss here without apparently having digested the point of view of this site, so clearly stated in The Fair Race. If Christian or monocausal visitors don’t have time to do the proper reading before jumping on the comments sections, please read at least the collection of comments in “On the white genocide meme”.

11 replies on “Enemy number one”

“We practically gave them power.” You can see in that Stormfront thread that other commenters lack this metaperspective, including one who wants to take Christianity off the hook. A woman even asked if the author of the above quote would leave Jews in her country!

The thought of eliminating the Jews is such a bugaboo to these people that they can only satiate it by continuously telling themselves how everything in the world is their fault.

Just saying “they’re a constant plague and should be removed” isn’t maudlin enough, apparently.

This VNN idiot, Joe Smith, is now saying that I am regurgitating Jared Taylor’s stance on the JP, forgetting that I myself signed at VNN a document agreeing that Linder had the right to express his belief that parasites must be exterminated—something that Taylor would never endorse.

2000 years ago, prior to conversion of first white peoples to christianity, there … wasn’t much great white civilizations at all. 2000 years ago the Roman Empire was the only significant white civilization. And that was pretty much it. The rest of whites compared to Romans at that time were unsophisticated barbarians, whose culture and attitudes we know very little about. There is just little evidence of whites being that great and powerful prior to coming of christianity. Many of these white pagan barbarian tribes such as Vandals (from whom the word vandalism comes from), Goths and Slavs primarily just raided the Roman Empire and were known to be destroyers of culture, art and civilization. In particular the germanic pagan barbarian tribe of Vandals. Roman history records Vandals as vicious, uncultured and brutal. And totally insane. Vandals burned down Rome in 455 and they brought many monuments to ruin. They loved destroying statues and art. White peoples developed the highly advanced technological civilization, great art and music through passage of time. White Europeans civilization of recent times developed over time in stages, starting from the Renaissance, during the Enlightenment and fully came to fruition during the Industrial Revolution. It was due to these three stages of development, that White Europeans came to rule much of the world in the 19th century. These three stages of development produced the circumstances for the white peoples to develop science, technology, medicine and culture to establish dominance over other races and civilizations. By the way, the word nationalism did not exist prior to the Enlightenment. The idea of a national state developed only in the 18th century. German Nationalism did not really exist before the Napoleonic Wars. Prior to that, most Germans saw themselves more as Prussians, Saxons, Bavarians, Hanoverians, Swabians. Criticizing ancient white peoples for converting to christianity from the point of view of nationalism, created in the enlightenment, is sort of wrong. People in ancient times has far less knowledge and understanding of race or of much of the world than people in the 19th or 20th centuries.


There is just little evidence of whites being that great and powerful prior to coming of christianity…

Are you kidding? They were not great in Greece and Rome? See the online book on Sparta that I translated. Unlike modern Christians, Spartans took care of their Dorian blood, and very seriously.

Goths and Slavs primarily just raided the Roman Empire and were known to be destroyers of culture… Vandals as vicious, uncultured and brutal. And totally insane.

Quite the contrary, it was the Romans who were the bad guys during and after Caesar. The Germanic peoples, the good guys:

Celtic buffer and Tacitus

Five decisive things

Alaric and the Fall of Rome

Christianity Spreads

The toll of Judeo-Christianity

In what sense were the Germans the “good guys?” How were the Romans the “bad guys?” The historical evidence is rather clear: the collapse of Rome was the collapse of civilization itself in the ancient world. The migrating tribes of Germans who were moving in to the Empire didn’t do much except loot, ransack, and pillage.

Because they kept their blood pure, unlike the Romans who fell precisely because they allowed mongrelisation. You really have to read what Pierce says in his book about the clash between Germanics and the Romans (there’s more to it than the above links of Who We Are).

The Murkan, revisionist political ideology known as “White Nationalism” is finished. Drop it already! White Nationalism is Murkan cultural imperialism tempered by Jewish conditioning…and we all know that Murka is insane: White Murkans make perfect Jews, Jews make perfect White Murkans. All nationalism is Ethno Nationalism. No one in what is left of the civilized world wants anything to do with Murka’s Nigger politics. Let it burn.

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