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Egalitarianism Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Liberalism

Why I believe WN is fraudulent

“Just about everybody I know in the New Right [i.e., racialists who reject people like Rockwell and Pierce] has used drugs.”

Jef Costello

Why I believe that white nationalism is fraudulent? Very simple: WNsts are ultimately liberals. They are radical—and I mean really radical—egalitarians regarding race, gender and sexual orientation.

At the very core of Judeo-liberalism, and I am talking of what our media, universities and government teach us, lies the principle of non discrimination. Well, well… White nationalists see no problem with women and out-of-the-closet homosexuals in their meetings, and most of them abhor discriminating the off-white population in the West (e.g., Greg Johnson asking us to believe that browns are whites, literally!).

NS-nymphRead my entries about nordicism and anti-nordicism before jumping here to post any rant in the comments section. (There is also a long section in my compilation The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour about why I rejected white nationalism in favor of national socialism.) Rants who fail to address the basic points in this blog (or book) criticizing anti-nordicism won’t pass.