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Holocaust William Pierce

Wm. Pierce

on the Holocaust

Thanks to the comments section of yesterday’s post, I discovered an article by William Pierce from 1981. I quote a couple of paragraphs:

Actually, it’s very difficult, if not impossible, to determine the truth of the matter. There are reckless “revisionists” who assert that no Jews were killed, solely for being Jews, by the German government. That is almost certainly not true.

I have spoken with SS men who told me that they shot Jews, and I believe them. They also told me that the claims of mass killings of Jews put forth after the war have been greatly exaggerated, and I believe them on that score also.

Read it all here.

6 replies on “Wm. Pierce”

Whether or not it occurred to the extent the Jews claim, a more interesting question nobody ever asks is whether they deserved it then, and whether they deserve it now. I would say they certainly deserved annihilation in the 1940s, and they have easily earned it a thousand times over since then.

It is not a matter that if they deserve it or not. They are an alien people, alien to Germans and alien to every European. “Some peoples have not right to a future” this is a fact, Jews think the same to us, Romans thought the same to Jews, and other semitic peoples: “Cartago delenda est”, before the cuckstian infection. Rightnow Jews are maybe the only ones in the west (as a group) untpuched by the infection and Europeans will have to wake up to this natural law in order to survive . Just see how Jews treat brown muslim scum in Gaza, no remorse. And it is alright! , and what the SS men did to kikes was good.

If only the 6 million figures was true!

Then doubled that number after the war and then the JQ would have been solved forever and ever!

Yes , at least the 2million figure happened. They tried to avenge the millions of Germans and other Europeans killed by the Jewish war brought to them. Hitler, Himmler and all other NatSoc were too humanitarian at the beggining of the war. We wont commit this mistake again, zero mercy x10 harder than the Turner diaries. Their mere existance is the justification to be cleaned.

This article revealed to me the reason why so many people behave with such moral inconsistency.

Most of them are really driven by fashion. Have a change on trends and they will follow along, whatever the trend is.

The other aspect of this is the predominance of slave morality of western people. That is, to love everything that is low, ugly and weak, especially in the USA.

American culture is specially obssesed with the protection of those that are ugly and sick at the expense of the beatiful and healthy. That’s why it is easier for Americans to see Hitler and the NS Germans as immoral.

“Kill your fellow Aryan and love your neighbor nigger.”

Whatever, the Allies invented the Holocaust myth to justify their criminal moral crusade against the Third Reich and blackwash some of the defeated personnel of the opposing government as “war criminals”. It also helped to conceal their own warcrimes, but, for all that, it is still a false historical narrative which is only true in the minds of those who believe it.

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