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Now that, with so-called A.I. spoken-word translation software, it is possible to translate entire podcasts into English, I would like to know if a Spanish speaker would like to be my interlocutor. (I don’t want to reopen a podcast account where I speak without A.I. translation because I speak in broken English, not fluent English; I can only write in English.) Without a daily podcast, The West’s Darkest Hour will remain in the dark for the rest of my life…

Any volunteer?

6 replies on “Podcast”

I don’t know if I made myself clear: the idea is to use A.I. software to translate the entire podcast from Spanish to English.

Yeah sure , my bad. Maybe the use of Tiktok platform, making reels of the podcasts, a ton of work to do. Anyways I do recommend starting with the psychology topics, parental abuse, slowly building a framework for NS ideas to flourish in a more organic way.

In fact, I think it would be pertinent to talk about what we say in the articles. For example, in the last one I kept thinking that Oliver was saying in 1980 what we are saying now. But he did not create a racialist school in the US that was also wise about the CQ!

Buenas noches, debido a mi error en mi primer comentario. Pido que sea eliminado, gracias. Cualquier comentario extra conoce mi correo. Saludos cordiales.

Yes there is a racialist and racist school but it was founded by others who were more religious and spiritualists Dr. Pierce, Dr. Oliver and others who were more Atheist but Racist and Racialists focused more on the palingenetic current or palingenesia but yes there is and although they are less known groups there are but they are more spiritualist but like everything today they are small groups. It is a personal comment and my criteria, for example Julius Evola was a member of the school of fascist mysticism, Mircea Eliade then founded the school of traditionalist radical mysticism from there arose Michael Moyniham and Blood Axis, linked to James Mason and the NSLF among others, yes there is a school of Spiritual Racism but very segregated between them even in metapedia the Catholics Neo-Guelphs sabotaged the 2 articles of the Volkisch school of which Dr Jung was part and the school of spiritual racism but with its 2 currents that of Evola and Rosenberg.

I apologize for the long comment but I did want to emphasize that but the Neo-Guelphs and the falsehoods and impostors and deviationists are only meddling in our affairs.

Here in my country Dr. Arnulfo Arias Madrid used a famous phrase of Darwin’s cousin Sir Francis Galton, Vox Populi, adding Vox Dei.

In my opinion, this alludes to the collective genetic memory, the Aryan collective unconscious.

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