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George Lincoln Rockwell Nordicism


‘Rockwell was assassinated, not by the Jews, but by one of the dysfunctional nutcases who was a member of his own party and who was upset over Nordicism’. —Hunter Wallace

5 replies on “Anti-nordicist”

I’ve found discussing Nordicism with new people, otherwise very much ‘on side’ to be a real bone of contention, and can never quite understand why (understand intrinsically, as rationally it makes some infuriating sense).

I’m white but not White Nordid, actually a weighted mix of Red Nordid and Armenid. Surely it’s not a great stretch of their imagination to realise that there are those fundamentally better than themselves racially. I don’t struggle to assimilate that. But no, they hang on to it like they hang onto Christianity.

I’ve never seen any of the dissident right (as I call white nationalists in the UK; my only zone of direct interaction) concede this point, or perhaps any point, either online, or with anyone I’ve talked to in speech face-to-face. That means a lot of disgruntled, envious potential assassins and turncoats, like the murderer of Commander Rockwell.

The guy I met yesterday was a prime example. He was all for exterminationism and eugenics and the separation/sterilization of the sexes when it was vague, and widespread, a Malthusian population reduction, and with whites included, but when you say “well, no, only most whites… these types of whites”, on physical anthropology as much as genetic-testing health (of which he was included as much as myself, though he had more mudblood about him) they simply can’t put the race first, and somehow all consider themselves excluded as if by an unlikely NAXALT rule that somehow applies to their entire movement (but especially to themselves).

Have you had much luck in convincing people in real life? I can only get so far, and then I always run into this wall they erect, as they decide all of a sudden to misunderstand, or that my “science has become sloppy”, or simply “no, that’s a bit too far”. Dealing with a society of vapid fairness-demanding narcissists will always be a challenge.

I think that since the term ‘white nationalism’ came into use in the US—a kind of racialized conservatism that moved away from the Nordicist ideals of the old eugenicists—the racial right took a wrong turn.

These people want the big tent, and that means equating American Sicilians with Anglo-Germans: the same kind of ethnosuicide that the Visigoths committed when they became Christianized.

The symptom that shows that the movement started with the wrong premises is that the best book of racialist non-fiction ever written in the US, Who We Are by William Pierce, isn’t read or cited by them. (It is a Nordicist book and, naturally, it portrays Christianity as something historically unhealthy for the 14 words.)

White nationalism is the last-ditch of a sort of racialist Christianity. But Xtians, you know, are staunch universalists!

What could we learn from what happened to the commander?

That jews are neither our only or worst enemies, but all anti nordicists, especially those within our inner circles.

In order to convince people in real life you have to be subtle while engulfing them with the nordic ideal. That fair, asymmetric [see comment below--Ed.] physical features are beautiful and closer to divinity.

They all inherently know this. They are just afraid to admit it due to judeo christian values and infused guilt.

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