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Quotable quotes


‘I would say reevaluating the Second World War ranks higher in importance than being versed in race realism, the Jewish Question, or white identity, as crucial as all of these things are’.

Spencer J. Quinn

3 replies on “Reevaluation”

I’m no fan of the author of the quote (I think we differ on Christianity), but he hit the nail on the head here.

A take on WW2 aftermath, and is what F.P.Yockey was writing about in 1950’s.

Greater Germany lost its historic union and gains in Europe, due to failure to defeat USSR in the vast east. It returned to its 1918 state as of today.

USA helped USSR defeat Germany, and then spent 50 years in conflict with USSR, and now is in conflict with Russia.

USA created a war and defeated Imperial Japan and helped China survive, but now finds itself in a crisis of power against China it cannot win, due to USA’s low cultural and racial values that are accelerating it’s dissolution.

The British Empire stayed at war with Greater Germany even though it could not afford to, and lost its empire and is now loosing itself.

USSR was given validity by its victory in WW2, but it’s economic system failed anyway by 1980’s and the seperate states reconstituted, with Russia at its lead in essentially a reborn Russian empire.

The current corollary is a union between Russia and Germany in the near future.

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