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Eduardo Velasco Nordicism


Why am I honouring Eduardo Velasco’s memory these days to the extent of translating, from Spanish to English, even some of his comments originally published years ago in the comments section of his first blog?

Quite simply. Because this Spaniard, whether he has passed away or not, has a stature greater than that of today’s white nationalists, who are in fact improved ‘conservatives’ as that term is understood in the US (in Europe it has another meaning).

Velasco was not only historically aware. Unlike the ideology of white nationalists, who out of neochristian piety broke with the Nordicist tradition of the eugenicists, Velasco continued to carry the Nordicist torch. Likewise, unlike most nationalists today, Velasco honoured the German national socialists of the last century.

Yes: there are still some Americans who honour the memory of Uncle Adolf. This week I received in the mail the NS Bulletin (the official newsletter of the New Order), which opens with a splendid quote from Mein Kampf (Volume 2, page 403 in the Manheim translation):

There is only one holiest human right, and this right is at the same time to the holiest obligation, to wit: to see to it that the blood is preserved pure, and that by preserving the best humanity, to create the possibility of a nobler development of these beings.

Unlike Velasco’s POV, the mainstream ideology of the American racial right, reluctant to make distinctions between Mudbloods and Nordics, violates the above quote in terms of keeping their blood pure.

In the 21st century, we racists should go back to thinking like the Nazis did. In rejecting something as elementary as Nordicism, proponents of the contemporary racial right are intellectually or morally deficient. Or perhaps they are lacking in both. By the standards of some of them even I would be considered ‘white’! While one who has his bloodline compromised by southie pieces of trash may be a priest of the holy words, as priests we should never ally ourselves with the anti-Nordicists, since their neochristian piety would exterminate what we hold most dear (think of the Parrish image I chose for the featured post, ‘The Wall’).

I know very little about Velasco. When we corresponded some years ago it was only to let him know that I was translating some of his major articles. Still, we exchanged no personal information in our epistolary and I never imagined that he would disappear so soon, along with his webzine.

The day before yesterday I posted what little I know about Velasco thanks to one of the commenters on my Spanish blog. Whoever has read it won’t need to read the following paragraphs, which I have cut from that entry and pasted into this one so that what I think about Velasco will remain in a single post.

On Thursday I wrote:

I have posted the English translation of an article by Eduardo Velasco on patriarchy and matriarchy that was published sixteen years ago. As I said in a note at the end of the translated article, Velasco was the mastermind behind the webzine Evropa Soberana, which the System banned in 2021. In my Spanish blog, a commenter who dealt with Eduardo Velasco on the internet informed me that Velasco was a Galician, a soldier by profession and married with a son. I have no way of corroborating that information because since 2018 Velasco has not answered my emails.

The commenter also informed me that Nordic Thunder was the blog that Velasco had before moving later to Evropa Soberana; that Nordic Thunder was a somewhat more informal blog but due to the great reception it had in the Spanish-speaking subculture of the internet, Velasco decided to transform it into Evropa Soberana giving it a more professional touch.

The commenter also let me know that Velasco used to comment in the Burbuja forum under the alias ‘Arrekarrallo’, and that he was considered the best commenter for his knowledge of geopolitics, history, society, economics, the military world and racial anthropology. ‘He was far above the rest of the forum members, and we are talking about a [Spanish-speaking] forum that at that time had a very high cultural level. One of his most remembered threads was one where he gave the names of many of the companies, banks, associations and shady companies responsible for pressuring politicians to bring third-world immigrants to Spain’.

Unfortunately, Velasco was censored and at the same time his Burbuja account was deleted together with his comments. The commenter on my Spanish site assumes that Velasco is still alive, but I am not so sure. That’s why it was so important to receive the visit last week I mentioned in previous days in case I, too, die—the Gods forbid!—as unexpectedly and suddenly as my dear sister died in 2016, who was younger than me by the way.

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