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by Gaedhal

Mark Lester played the title role in Oliver

We are disenfranchised. We will become a minority in our own homelands. It is far too late in the day to reverse this through electioneering. Thus, rioting is a tool—an extremely imperfect, and error-prone tool, of having our voices heard. However, war is error-prone. In wars, innocent bystanders always get hurt. In war, there will always be collateral damage. This is regrettable. However, we are in a war for the 14 words. What Southport demonstrates is that our homelands are no longer a fit habitat for white children. In Southport, we failed to provide a future for three white children, such that they were stabbed to death by a Rwandan sub-human.

The beauty of the white woman must never perish from the earth. Look to the grave of Ashling Murphy, almost goddess-like in beauty, stabbed to death by a Romo (descended from Injuns) sex-crazed gypsy.

Voting harder will not solve anything. You cannot vote your way out of a genocide. You cannot vote your way out of a situation that you never voted your way into, to begin with. You cannot beat democrats at their own game. Democracy is a system designed, from top to bottom, to keep guys like you, me, Alex Linder, and Uncle Adolf, permanently out of power. We have just had 14 years of Conservative rule. If anything, the rate of the Great Replacement went up during that time. The great cities are already ‘majority minority’ to employ an Orwellian phrase.

Note though that whilst leftists will provide political cover for rioters on the left, conservatives never provide the same political cover for rioters on the right. Conservatives never quote the apotheosised Docktah Mautee in Looter Kiying to excuse the desperate actions of disenfranchised whites. Conservatives are not on our side… indeed, they are in direct competition with us. As Alex put it: Nazism is the only sensible politics for young white straight men.

If Hitler had won, those three girls might have been fluent in German as a second language. However, thanks to allied victory, they are the sport and prey of wild dangerous negro subhumans. Mr Churchill: I would much prefer English children to speak German—which itself, like English, is an Anglo-Saxon language—rather than their being the sport and prey of Rwandans, Pakistanis, etc.

One reply on “Anti-Oliver!”

May the gods bless Gaedhal with fortitude to endure the darkness that is engulfing Erin’s isle.

My words aren’t worth much, but I feel the grief and anger out the deaths of these young women.

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