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Pre-Columbian America


The touristic tour of two adepts of the sacred words continues, but first I must confess that yesterday’s post contains an error. The figures showing the heads of the gods Quetzalcoatl and Tlaloc that appear in the last image of my previous post are not on the Pyramid of the Sun as I said yesterday, but on the Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl as I just discovered with my own eyes (today we climbed to the top of the latter pyramid). I didn’t remember it because since I was a child I hadn’t climbed these pyramids. The following is a photo that the commenter took today:

Pyramid of the Sun, 65 meters high (213 feet).

Below is a scale model in the Teotihuacan museum that we also visited today, where you can see a reproduction of the Pyramid of the Sun in reddish colour, another photo of the commenter:

By the way, Teotihuacan is not to be confused with Tenochtitlan, whose image appears at the top of my previous post.

Walking all over the archaeological zone of Teotihuacan this day sunburnt our white skins, something I am feeling even now as I write. We should have bought a pair of hats!