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Architecture Claude le Lorrain


In my Thursday post on Sense & Sensibility I said that Aryan beauty was flaunted in the temples and the streets of the Greco-Roman world. I forgot to mention that some Europeans in the post-Renaissance centuries also honoured Aryan beauty in non-commercial settings, as we see in this scene of beautiful sculptures of human nudes in the 2005 adaptation of Pride & Prejudice. Four years ago I wrote:

It is known that the wealthy Englishmen tried to bring the beautiful architecture of some paintings of Claude Lorrain (paintings that I contemplated during my last visit to London’s museums) to the countryside. The building that served as a refuge from the copious rain for the future couple, when Mr Darcy proposes to Elizabeth [clip here], is the perfect framework for the fourteen words.

Henry Hoare (1705-1785), banker and garden owner-designer, saw the paintings of Claude Lorrain (1600-1682) and was so enchanted by them that he commissioned architect Colen Campbell to design the garden we enjoyed in the film. Inside it we see the Temple of Apollo, where the scene where Mr Darcy proposes to Liza was filmed: a temple we see in more than one of Lorrain’s paintings.

Those who have visited Hoare’s garden have commented that, when you walk through Stourhead, you get the feeling that Jane Austen could walk out at any moment, or that you yourself could be portrayed in that bucolic painting you see around you. (I felt something similar a decade ago in Perth, Scotland, when I crossed a bridge and there was no one around me!)

These Stourhead gardens and temples are one of the places to visit when you are in the nearby Cotswolds. We must thank Lorrain, Hoare and his architect for being inspired by pagan architecture.

It is most unfortunate that, unlike the adolescent Adolf Hitler, those who now belong to the racial right fail to make deep inner contact with the architecture of the classical and Italian world that led the lad Hitler to activate, in his psyche, the archetype of our true Gods.

13 replies on “Stourhead”

In the first five seconds of this video we can see the moment when Liza crossed the bridge that we see above (a crossing that cannot be seen in the clip that I linked in the quote from the 2020 post).

Incidentally, Dario Marianelli’s music for the film is on a par with that of the great composers of past centuries.

European architecture and art is which is inspired and made by the Nordic race is, in my opinion, the most beautiful.

In modern Western cities, the beauty of old Greco-Roman & Gothic-style buildings stand out from the lifeless modernist architecture and I fear one day they will be completely destroyed when the Nordic, not the “White” race, disappears from the face of the Earth.

Just as modern architecture is bad, it is bad to alter the stylistic norms of language.

I understand. But the “&” symbol is not actually a modern writing symbol that has altered the English language. It is a symbol of Latin origin which is meant to smoothly transition between words. But I get that this symbol make writing in English less mentally stimulating & more low IQ so writing “and” instead of “&” should be the proper way to weite in English.

I think I get what you mean by “transvaluation of Aryan values”. The values of the Nordic Hellas and Romans, which emanates from the Nordic soul, needs to be transferres to the modern mind because those values will reawaken the Nordic/Aryan soul and nullify the influences of Judeo-Christianity which is the main driving force behind the modern degenerate spirit thay currently defines the West

needs to be transferres

I don’t want to be pedantic, but this is the second time I’ve noticed a grammatical error in one of your comments (I corrected the previous one). Could you be more careful when writing them?

And of course: you are right in what you say about transvaluation—that is precisely what I believe!

Someone wrote recently that everything wrong with the modern world can be rejected simply on the grounds of aesthetics. What is promoted as modernity is ugliness of form, sound and function.

The modern world is driven by a Judeo-Christian modern spirit which is crushed the Nordic racial spirit in what is now known as the “The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour”. What is considered beautiful in form, sound and function within the Nordic spirit is the image of the Nordic person and the natural world.

Emphasis on the function part because the way physical color functions in the Nordic body is that it literally reflects light in order to generate the blue eye color, golden-blond hair and rosy-fair skin which gives off a lively feeling and great energy which is why the Nordic race and its spirit of energy, truthfulness & fair judgement is beautiful.

The transvaluation of the values of the Nordic spirit from the ancient world and the Nordic Movement is how Judeo-Christian modernity will be crushed.

The modern world is driven by a Judeo-Christian modern spirit which is [sic] crushed the Nordic racial spirit…

“is” is a typo right?

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