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by Gaedhal

St. Colman’s Cathedral, County Cork, Ireland.

I would criticise atheism more, however, atheists are a tiny fraction of the Irish population. I expend my antitheistic energies upon what is causing the most harm. If I walk into town, I meet two illegally placed religious posters threatening me with Hell. Christian privilege means that Political Posters must come down, but posters threatening people with eternal post-mortem torture in the name of a fictitious legendary rabbi who floated off into the sky, 2,000 years ago, are never taken down. As a secularist, I would be equally opposed to illegally placed atheist posters. Secularism guarantees a neutral public space for us all.

And so atheism isn’t causing that much harm in Ireland. On the contrary, the divers hoisted Rabbi cults have caused 1600 years of harm in Ireland. Ireland hasn’t even begun to secularise, yet. Ireland is still, very much, a Christian theocracy. Our constitution begins by invoking an arithmetic-defying trinity of gods, and it ends with ‘Do chum glóire Dé agus onóra na hÉireann’ (This [constitution] has been composed for the glory of God and the honour of Ireland).

However, atheism can cause some harm. In this video, Seth Andrews drew a doodle of a cat, and Matt Dillahunty promptly tattooed this onto his thigh. Dillahunty just looks mentally ill, these days.

I agree with atheism on a single point: I claim to know, as a fact, that no classically theistic gods exist.

Mercifully, neither Seth nor Matt have reproduced. Hopefully natural selection will eventually put an end to this version of atheism.

However, all of the other things that atheists believe, my soul violently kicks against. Chaotic determinism, Heat death, Eliminative materialism etc.

5 replies on “Ireland”

I am shocked by the extreme hagiography of the history of the christian church in Ireland. But are churches still filled on Sundays?
Ireland may be having the strongest anti-illegal immigrant reaction of any western nation. I dream that although once Ireland sent Christian priests throughout europe, they will now send priests of the 14 words.

Nobody, really, 40 or younger, goes to Church. However, for weddings, funerals and baptisms, Irish people generally still go to Church for these things. This is how England was, about 70 years ago, and so there is hope that in another 70 years, Ireland will fully deconvert from the Catholic version of the Hoisted Rabbi cult. However, the racial right in Ireland seems to be organised by Trad Caths. Gemma Dougherty, for instance. There are links between GRIPT and the SSPX. The Mac Mathúna family seem to own GRIPT, or at least have a financial stake in it. The Village an Irish magazine, had an article on GRIPT. The insular nature of Ireland, also, insulates it from new ideas… like perhaps maybe, just maybe, Christianity is harmful. Irish people cannot refute what I say, which is why they just ignore me.

Hi Gaedhal,

If you are aware of the activities of Irishman Keith Woods on the racial right, I would love to hear about it. He is as far as I know a European equivalent of Nick Fuentes.

That’s the thing. Most of us in Ireland know each other. However, I have no clue who this Keith Woods fellow is, apart from what he posts on X and YouTube. This is something that Alex asked as well.

Jared Taylor has even invited him to speak at AmRen. He’s very popular in Christian circles that lean a bit toward racialism. As Woods grows, he may become more famous and you’ll be able to come across more of what he claims.

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