The man who pretends to be César Tort
This post has been updated on June 5th.
In 2022 Kevin MacDonald published a review I wrote about a book by a Mexican Jew. In the comments section of that article, I wrote:
I would like to take this opportunity to let TOO visitors know that for some time now a troll has been impersonating me on the racial right forums. Generally, when I comment on a forum I do so with my initials, ‘C.T.’ (I make the exception here because I have signed the above article with my full name). To avoid confusion I have decided to only comment on my website and occasionally on The Unz Review, always with my initials ‘C.T.’ So I ask TOO visitors that if, with the exception of this thread, you see a comment on a racialist forum with my full name, consider that comment suspicious as it may have been posted by the troll who impersonates me.
This year I said when talking about another webzine, Occidental Dissent, that this racialist forum (OD, not TOO) kept posting comments from the troll-stalker who has been saying silly things, for years, using my full name.
I assumed that the racialists on other forums had gotten the memo, but no! I just noticed that there is a thread where the troll-stalker posted, on Counter-Currents, several comments under my full name and the commenters on that thread replied to him thinking it was me!
I know I’m not going to get this troll-stalker, Dr Morales, off my back because this Brazilian doesn’t like what I’ve been saying about miscegenation in Latin America. But I would like to say that, if you see a ‘Cesar Tort’ posting on any racialist forum, it’s not me.
Fortunately, Greg Johnson approved a comment by me, the real César Tort, in the thread where I am mentioned several times. But some sections of the thread are somewhat surreal, in that commenters were interacting with this impersonator believing it was me.

The photo that Dr Morales used as his avatar in his trollish comments.
I call Morales a stalker because he has followed me around this site for years and has tried to post trolling comments under countless sockpuppets.
His obsession with me is almost absolute. The visitor can click on the ‘Trolls’ category at the top of this post to see the tip of the iceberg of what Morales has done over the years. One of my posts under that category was titled ‘Troll army’, before I realised that the entire ‘army’ (of sockpuppets) was a single person: a Brazilian who abhors what I’ve been saying about mestizaje committed south of the Rio Grande.
The IP below Morales’ e-mail is from Brazil (that email is legitimate by the way, as Morales sent me a couple of insulting messages via that email).
29 replies on “Impersonator”
It looks like ‘Ghost Rider’ is the same guy. This Brazilian has used lots and lots of sockpuppets! Believing that the troll ‘Cesar Tort’ was me, another commenter, Lord Shang, commented:
Lord Shang may not have heard, but WordPress deplatformed me a while back and my new platform was missing the ‘Quentin theme’ that I still love so much.
I don’t have the money to pay a website builder to cosmetically modify this new incarnation of The West’s Darkest Hour to make it look like it did before the censorship.
I couldn’t find your comments on “national vanguard,” I posted there weeks ago.
But maybe it was another site that I posted, there are hundreds of racialist sites in English and the names are all very similar to me, English is not even my second language, so all the names sound similar. I apologize. I’ll try to remember what site exactly you posted.
Once you find it, Dr Morales, don’t forget linking it for us…
If any consolation, most of these racialists websites are banned from most internet providers here in America, including national vanguard, so they are not really open to the public.
The monopolization of public attention has been a terrible thing. However, I can spread your message with the analogy of higher/lesser hijab as a way to move away from decay and accelerate the system collapse.
Can you imagine, for example, if most men left social media as part of a greater hijab? Women will be left starving for attention and therefore will also stop wasting their time online. This is but one act of greater hijad that could contribute to the destruction of the system without relying on a lesser hijad.
Is not nearly close to exterminationisn, but it is a start. Better than not moving at all and remain still in the rubicon, especially for the younger generations, which is who really matters.
You meant ‘jihad’.
Yes, sorry for misspelling.
In addition to that, I found this video on youtube while searching for the words “pardo brazil” in YouTube.
It seems the remaining whites in Brazil are doomed to be absorbed by the darker masses, if nothing changes.
Honestly, Russia would be doing a world a favor by also nuking most of Brazil out of existence.
César, are you sure that this idiot who’s impersonation you is a Brazilian? Ramón Álvarez isn’t a typical Brazilian name, of course (probably also fake).
Ahh, how I love my beautiful, “mongrelized” tropical paradise! A template for the “new world order”, demographically-wise, a true ’50 shades of brown” kind of society. Wonderfull!
Dr Morales is an old Brazilian troll who has been insulting me for many years under countless sockpuppets, of which the one you mention is only the latest. I even suspect, from what Ghost Rider says in the Counter-Currents discussion thread (OBE experiences, etc.) that it is Morales himself, who said exactly that on this site a couple of years ago under another of his socks.
As you can see above in my updated post, I may have his real IP, when he wasn’t using socks. Yes, he is from Brazil. He himself said it in the second image.
Morales’ deep hatred for all of us has reached such levels that he has even impersonated a well-known commenter of this site, Mauricio, who also speaks Portuguese, saying nonsense in his comments; for example, writing about ‘Nordic ephebes’ under Mauricio’s name, etc.
I don’t have “deep hatred” for anybody, I have sometimes only deep contempt.
It is not contempt but infinite hatred that you feel. Reason: Veritas odium parit, and it pisses you off immensely that we are here telling the truth about your country of tri-racial pardos (like you).
What pisses me off is some
[insults removed by admin]
constantly using LATIN and talking about ancient Rome, you[insults written with extreme hate and bile]
.Regarding your removed insults [‘monkey’, etc.], you, not me, are the brown-skinned guy who, for years, has spent inordinate amounts of time trying to troll us. Don’t you have better things to do, like taking care of your little pardo kids who must be as repulsive as the one in the photo above?
And I absolutely don’t care about miscegenation in Latin America, you
[gross insults removed by admin]
.You care so much about my wanting to protect white people in this part of the continent that, in the past, you have begged me to care about the Latin Americans in the country where I live, and to forget everything about the 14 words. And the fact that today you have written no less than four comments (which I didn’t let pass) claiming that the IP in the screenshot above is fake, indicates to me that you have panicked and that the IP is real: your home’s.
I never “begged”
[several insults, in more than one paragraph, removed by admin].
Of course you begged me, I even remember your words, ‘Take care of your people’. You said it so many times in different threads that I interpreted it as a plea.
“Panicked” hahahahaha Very afraid of a
[insult/projection removed by admin]
from Mexico !!I didn’t say I would go to Brazil to punish you, just that your IP is now public.
Let all the comments and without editing, you lying filthy cowardly ape
I’m not the ape (see my photo on Metapedia), but you. Don’t project yourself onto me…
Fuckin filthy stupid monkey doesn’t allow the comments.
Tour father should have beaten you to death, you worthless subhuman
I am letting another of your vulgar insults pass without any censorship. Satisfied?
Let’s be honest, Dr. Morales. How many sockpuppets have you tried to use on this site? One hundred to two hundred or even more, right? And let’s not count the socks (besides ‘César Tort’) that you have used on other racialist forums to defame me with lies.
It takes a sick mind to use, over the course of six years, such a large amount of time because you cannot tolerate that I am the only one in the world who has told the Latin Americans their truth: that their underdevelopment is due to the fact that the Iberian whites who conquered the Americas committed the continent’s blunder: mixing their blood with Indians and blacks.
Get over it, Morales: Truth breeds hate.
Lying, editing, hiding, plus being servile, submissive to the ones you think are your superiors, that’s the African and Amerindian blood in you,
[still more insults removed by admin!]
.Who’s my superior? This is pure projection: you are the one with African blood, pardo: not me.
>”I don’t have deep hatred for anybody”
Proceeds to write deeply hateful comments
>”I don’t care about miscegenation”
Proceeds to call you ape, subhuman, etc
>and something about ancient Rome (??)
Some daqui, seu pardo trouxa.
This guy is a demented time-wasting liar. I wouldn’t worry about his sock-puppet slandering on other sites.
Just block him. This is the only blog that matters.
Morales was blocked. I unblocked him for a couple of days so he could expose himself, which he did in abundance (and I didn’t let a dozen more of his insults pass!). Tomorrow I’m blocking him again so he doesn’t waste any more of our precious time.
Are you mad, crioulo? Try listening to some prime examples of Brazilian culture, like Zeca pagodinho ou Jorge aragāo. It will help you chill out.
I almost fell out of my chair when you accused César or being “servile” and “submissive” to his perceived “superiors”, and than said “that’s the African and Amerindian blood in you” LOL. Self-defeating comment, don’t you think?
3 filthy cowardly worthless Iberian monkeys that ruined an entire continent chimping out against an Aryan Dr. Morales.
I want to vomit
Vomit all you want, “Aryan” Morales.
And as a good “Dr.” that you are, as an antiemetic you will prescribe yourself not to visit The West’s Darkest Hour again for the rest of your life.
Good bye!