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Interviewing Weber?

What I replied to commenter Alfons yesterday about the so-called Holocaust has given me an idea: Why not ask Mark Weber of Institute of Historical Review (IHR) to give us an interview to find out why he changed his mind from denialist to accepting that perhaps 2 million were executed under the orders of Himmler’s SS?

I wrote to Weber a few years ago and got no reply. (Similarly, a while ago I wanted to purchase a copy of Savitri Devi’s edited book by William Pierce from the National Alliance [NA] and got no reply.)

I guess they don’t respond to me because, unlike David Irving, Mark Weber and the vast majority of white nationalists and even neo-Nazis, I am an exterminationist (cf. my featured post ‘The Wall’). And in general, those on my left don’t want any contact with those who, like me, have transvalued our former Judeo-Christian values to Greco-Roman values. (Remember that in the pagan times of Titus or Hadrian whites didn’t give a damn that Roman legions were genociding Jews in Jerusalem; many even liked it!)

Since I am more or less shunned on the racial right because, unlike them, my Nietzschean transvaluation is genuine, someone else has to do the job of inviting Weber for an interview (I don’t mention Irving because the historian of the Reich’s most notable personalities isn’t in the best of health).

If any of the commenters or visitors to the thread I linked above would care to do that job, I would appreciate it. It’s a discussion that, as far as I know, on serious and notable sites only happened years ago at The Occidental Observer when Greg Johnson argued there with Hadding Scott. I’m referring to an internal discussion about the Holocaust, between people who are more or less sympathetic to the Third Reich (I don’t mean, obviously, discussing the subject with Jews or white traitors).

Incidentally, the discussion between Johnson and Scott in TOO didn’t progress because they both held, in my opinion, irrational positions. Johnson said that the subject of the so-called Holocaust should be abandoned, forgotten completely (something that seems absurd to me, since the System uses the crucified Jew as a psyop to induce feelings of guilt in the Aryan man). Scott, in turn, started from a very peculiar definition of the word ‘Holocaust’, from which he claimed that the victims of the Holocaust had been ‘exactly zero’.

We need to raise the internal discussion to another level. Where are the volunteers? I don’t like to keep sending more emails after IRH or NA didn’t answer me. So it has to be other people: younger people than me who can, with English as their mother tongue, do the right interview.

6 replies on “Interviewing Weber?”

I wanted to reply back to that comment that you made and ask you for some sources on writers who do not demonize Hitler’s Germany but accept the extermination perspective so thank you for making this post. I will look into Weber’s work. If you know of any specific books on the matter please let me know. Thank you CT!

I’m going to be perfectly honest with you.

In the past I went deep into researching psychiatry and read many books by famous psychiatrists and their critics (I even took a course at the Open University on mental health). It took me five years to fully research biological psychiatry before I reached my conclusions (it’s unscientific).

I have realised that investigating a case in which two sides are opposed takes years, since you have to read many books, articles and sometimes interview those who know the subject on both sides, like in a trial where we see, on a daily basis, the prosecutor and the lawyer (the O.J. Simpson trial, for example, lasted a long time!).

I haven’t wanted to research the Holocaust like I did with biopsychiatry because it would take years, and I’m in my mid-60s (I have very limited time). But I would be the happiest man if people like Weber and Irving debated connoisseurs who deny the historicity of the Holocaust.

I am a mere member of the jury and I can change my mind. The problem is that I don’t see that trial anywhere. (Jewish Ron Unz is too conspiratorial for my taste; I need an Aryan ‘lawyer’ so to speak to argue with the opposition.)

Thank you for the insight. Yes, I remember the feeling when I first started reading about the holocaust. It felt as if it is something on such a scale, with so many details and layers that it would take forever to figure what happened there. Thomas Dalton broke it down into a very comprehensive situation in his Debating the Holocaust book. It convinced me, although when I read Savitri Devi’s Defiance, when she spent 6 months in prison in Germany during 1949, she spoke with a girl who worked in one camp and the girl proudly claimed that jews were being killed there, much to Savitri’s joy who would have done it herself given the change. I am of course leaving the door open for the possibility that some rogue elements may have had their way with the jews, but I would be interested in knowing to what degree, and how centralized was it. In any case, I’ll look up the Weber angle. Thanks again.

don’t lament your age! You are still a young man, with many more years to go…! We live in interesting times, and it will be interesting to see the End of the Age of the Kali Yuga…maybe sooner than you think!

Caesar, how do you think we should invest our time learning?

What I understand so far, is that christian teachings are poison, and we need to get rid of them in order to avoid self destruction. Otherwise, talking about racial differences and the like is pointless while the majority thinks we are the same at the eyes of Yahweh (everyone but Jews, of course).

Indeed. A few years ago Tom Sunic gave a lecture in the US in front of an audience of nationalists and told them the great truth: that it is useless (he used other words) to talk about race realism if a culture goes exactly against the grain of those facts; and Sunic mentioned not only religion but legal, media and cultural institutions.

His speech fell on deaf ears, obviously, because members of the American racial right never question the very foundations of their nation (I think I will talk about it in Hitler # 29, which, if it goes well, I will upload today).

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