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Kevin MacDonald

Bardamu in French!

And now, a native French speaker has taken the trouble to translate Bardamu’s essay into French.

It is a very important essay. Unlike Evropa Soberana’s essay, which focuses on the Ancient World (the origin of the tragedy, so to speak), Bardamu provides a global and comprehensive view of how Christian ethics metamorphosed into liberalism, cultural Marxism and white ethno-suicide in recent decades—the final metastasis of the old Judean-Roman war.

Whoever reads Bardamu’s essay, now also available in French (which includes a critique of Kevin MacDonald) will understand why Bardamu, Soberana and this site provide a different paradigm for understanding Aryan decline than the one offered by white nationalists. We are closer to Hitler’s after-dinner talks than what Christian Americans (or Americans who sympathise with Christianity, like MacDonald) are discussing in the forums of the racialist right.

If any of you would like a slightly abridged version of Bardamu’s essay in English in print, don’t forget that it appears in The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (see sidebar).